help, please! (Weight Gain)

  • so, tuesday was my first day and i did okay. the next morning i weighed myself (via the wii fit) and i was down 2.6. i felt great. that day went much like the previous one except i added more dairy and cut down on the cheese. this morning when i weighed, (wii fit again) i was up .7!! i literally cried. i want so badly to succeed but these kinds of things really kill me. i know i probably shouldnt weigh every day, but i really cant help it. I've been watching my salt and i'm not "due" for another two weeks. (as in, my lovely aunt flo shouldnt arrive until then) so i know its not that pms bloat. did anyone else battle this? i just need some encouragement. also, i ride my bike all over town and try to pound out a one to two mile run every day.
  • It happens to everyone. It'll go down again. The best thing is to take a daily average over a week and don't freak over blips.
  • I go up and down so much I currently say I weigh less than 220... one day i'll weigh less than 215.... (this morning I did) tomrorrow i probably will not...

    bodies don't always do what we expect.

    daily weighing is only good if you dont' freak out about it. just use it as a data point..

    i weigh daily.. i only really care about the number on the first of each month.
  • Check out this in the FAQ stickies. It should be required reading for everyone!
  • that was a -great- read, thank you for pointing it out to me.
  • Thanks Ruth, I did reread that article about the scales and what those numbers can and do mean. I think it is good to go back and review some of that stuff every so often.

    I think that most of us who are in this for the long haul come to a point where they make peace with the scale. I used to obsessively weigh myself multiple times per day. I was so insecure about my weight. Luckily, I never did really define myself solely on that number or any other number and I never did until I "went public" and had to weigh for a diet group. That was the first time that I began to be afraid to see what the number was. Before that I never weighed myself. When it became a "big deal" to the person recording it, it suddenly became a big deal to me. PS I am a "recovering" people-pleaser too!

    Remember, there are plenty of people who have starved themselves to be a certain number and are not healthy. I've known and seen them. Anoexeria runs in my family. I had an elderly aunt die of it. She was a beautiful woman and so sweet but she was terrified of gaining weight. How sad!

    It is better to feed your body the kind of food and fuel that will help your body do the job it was meant to do all along. That is truly the most loving thing you can do for yourself. The bike riding is too! I am going to get on a bike this summer for the first time in 20 years! I am nervous. I am afraid I might fall down so I bought a bike helmet. My sister said how fast you plan on going? I said, I'm not competing in the tour de France, I just plan on falling some.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. I like Nessa's comments. Weight can, does and "should be" a range. If you read that article, you will see why and how that happens. And, yes, we all are made the same way! If that happens to you, more than likely it has happened to all of us at one time or another!
  • The very first time I did SBD, my cycle was off. WAY off. You may start early or way late. I read somewhere else that it comes with this way of eating, especially in the first couple months. You may be retaining water for that reason if it's not due to normal fluctuations.

    Calm down.

    Seriously, I had to go hide my scale in another part of the house. I was weighing myself every day and it was torture! Now I only weigh once a week.
  • Quote: so, tuesday was my first day and i did okay. the next morning i weighed myself (via the wii fit) and i was down 2.6. i felt great. that day went much like the previous one except i added more dairy and cut down on the cheese. this morning when i weighed, (wii fit again) i was up .7!! i literally cried. i want so badly to succeed but these kinds of things really kill me. i know i probably shouldnt weigh every day, but i really cant help it. I've been watching my salt and i'm not "due" for another two weeks. (as in, my lovely aunt flo shouldnt arrive until then) so i know its not that pms bloat. did anyone else battle this? i just need some encouragement. also, i ride my bike all over town and try to pound out a one to two mile run every day.

    Oh I SO wish I had one of them Wii's.. they sound like so much fun, but too costly
  • I think weighing yourself daily is a mistake (I use to do that too)....there are so many factors that will make you fluctuate (soduim, water retention,time of day etc)....honestly you should pick one day a week and only weigh yourself that day first thing in the morning before you body has time to bloat etc.....that should give you a much better idea of how you are really doing and not drive you crazy . I would always set myself up for failure when I did that thinking "I am up today so I might as well pig out etc".....but when I do it once a week (which I do now) I am able to keep it in perspective etc.
  • I have the WiiFit as well, and was quite dismayed to see my weight go up a whopping 0.8lbs earlier this week! But, I carefully examined my eating, realized I hadn't had NEARLY enough veggies, and had overindulged on the sugar free candy at the movies, and vowed to get back on the program fully, and sure enough, that 0.8 is gone again (and then some lol)

    I always gain about 8 lbs during my monthly. I'm actually kind of glad that I know that going into it because I don't freak out when I see it on the scale.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say, don't worry about that particular point on the graph. Give yourself time and as long as you're truly sticking to the plan, you'll see the overall trend on the graph moving down

  • I love my Wii Fit - but be careful with the scale - if you are dressed differently every time you weigh - it doesn't account exactly for weighting of your clothing - it just gives you a weight allowance categories. So, don't take it too personally. But the BEST advice has already been given by the Chicks!
  • thanks, ya'll. im going to take a week long hiatus from the stupid thing.