I challenged myself... And I did it!!!

  • So, I made myself go to the gym today, because I didn't go the last couple days and I knew if I didn't go today I was going to have lots of problems very soon! So I finally kicked my butt in gear and went.

    I got there and first thing, for a change, I just hopped on the elliptical. I wanted to aim for 30 minutes today, because last time I did 20 strait minutes, then another ten later, so I fugured what the heck, I can do that. So I hopped right onto the elliptical...

    As I was getting closer to 30 minutes, I was feeling REALLY good, they were playing good music that I was having fun with and I was keeping a steady pace. And so, I challenged myself, and thought, "I could do this for my full hour, I bet..."

    So I kept going past 30, and a few minutes past it I thought to myself, "I am insane. There is NO way I can do this for an hour. But I've already started, so... I have to keep going at least until 40 minutes or something."

    And then I was feeling good again! And this time I stayed that way. Ity got hard near the end, and I literally started cheering myself on under my breath, saying things like, "If you can do 45 minutes like you have, you can do another fifteen easy!"

    And you know what?

    I DID IT!!!

    So I spent 1 hour on the elliptical, which amounted to about 4.55 MILES, an average of 330-something strides/minute! Yaaaay!

    I feel SO unbelievably good right now, it's crazy! I didn't think I'd be able to do that until I'd been doing this for a while... I mean, I don't want to do that EVERY day, but... I CAN do it! Yaaaay!
  • yea! isn't it amazing what our bodies can do, once we start getting in shape?
  • ~~Congrats ~~~
    That is NOT easy to do.........
  • You are AWESOME! Congrats!
  • Thanks guys! I'm all super happy right now... Excercise high!
  • Congrats!!
  • Yay!! Good for you.

  • yay! good for u! sounds kind of like my first experience on the eliptical for an hour! lol. i had to coach myself through it and pushed myself further after adding 10 more minutes after 30 minutes until I finally pushed myself to an hour one day! its such an accomplished feeling! gets the adrenaline going and you wanna go for an hour again..to rreally see if you're up for it up for it..or if it was just a one time thing...keep that up! u sound excited!
  • Congrats! Sometimes all you need is that little push you give yourself!
  • Hooray! You've inspired me to do an hour on the eliptical tomorrow, so thank you!
  • Whoah, girl, that's some crazy elliptical-ing! Maybe if you found a way to hook it up to some wheels, you could ride it to work. People would see you and be like "Now THERE is hope for America's future. Low greenhouse gas emissions AND health-consciousness!"

  • Glad to give some inspiration! It really does feel awesome to know that I really did it. Certainly it's worth a shot! Thanks again to EVERYONE who's congratulated me. I love you guys!
  • RedPorcupine, that is an interesting mental image!
  • Congrats! I'm up to 30 minutes on the elliptical, I don't know if I can make it an hour...
  • It's certainly worth at least trying for it. The worst that happens is you can't, but you'd probably get farther than you think!