What I can't give up

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  • I have given up or changed a lot of things in my diet in an effort to lose weight and get healthy. nuts instead of chips, fruit instead of candy, and water is now my drink of choice. I realized this morning that there is one thing I haven't changed and won't.

    My morning cup of coffee with half and half. I've tried using skim milk, fat free creamer, powder creamer but nothing replaces half and half. I tried but nothing else says get up and get your butt to the gym like my usual cup o joe.

    So what is that you are willing to go a little further on the treadmill for?
  • I have to agree... I'm a Starbucks fanatic and I'll walk the country and back for that 6000ckal coffee!

    There are also a kind of fruit and nut bar in the Uk known as Eat natural and I could never give them up. Thankfully despite them being high in calories they're good calories
  • Red wine and dark chocolate. Non-negotiables for me
  • i am a coffee freak.. when i was still in the states, i drank Folgers.. 10 cups a day at least, but it was so good, i didnt add anything to it... now im in england, and im sure there is a good coffee here, but i havnt found it yet.. the best i could find so far is an instant, but i have to add sugar to it to get it down... so, i only have about 5 cups per day now, with the sugar in it, but i do add the cals to my daily intake..i guess the smart thing to do would be to have family send me folgers lol
  • Oh, I've given up lots of foods. Doesn't mean I won't eat them again (or haven't already), but they are now once in a while items. VERY once in a while. Some more then others.

    But on an every day basis, I refuse to be hungry and I refuse to eat foods that I don't like or are just mediocre. I must love, enjoy and get pleasure from the food that I eat.

    nuts instead of chips
    I just want to caution you, though I'm sure you know this already, that yes, nuts are a much healthier option, but VERY caloric and can add up, calorie wise - QUICKLY!!!
  • hmmmm...this is a good one....

    I like to eat out....so definately Mexican and Chinese (but sparringly)

    I am not sure I'm far enough along in my journey to say things I will not give up....I guess because right now I'm eating 1800 calories a day and that really is alot...I can pretty much eat anything if I just watch my portion sizes.....I still have chips...but I weigh them and only have 1/2 oz for 75 calories...I still eat chocolate for snacks but I get the 100 calorie pack chocolate cupcakes with cream filling in it.....I'm struggling with sweet tea and dr. pepper...but I am beginning to like diet coke and water....

    Oh one thing for sure....I have to have regular salad dressing....firm on that one no reduced fat or fat free

    I may have to revisit this when my calories are lower and I really have to lose some of the higher calorie things for lower calorie things
  • You know... I've given up lots of things in my life... unrelated to weight loss... and I think now I can really say that there is nothing that I would be unable to give up. It's only food.

    Of course, there are foods I really like, and I do like coffee with half and half. I was able to substitute Coffee Mate Lite, though--although it's become kind of an addiction.

    If I had to give it up tomorrow, though, I think I could.

    So, maybe it's a question of "won't" give up instead of "can't"?

    One thing--now that I think of it. I have to have red meat from time to time or I get run down, pale, exhausted. So, I'd rather not give that up.

  • I'm right there with you on the half and half in my coffee . . . just about anything else is negotiable.
  • The odd Tim Hortons double double and ice cream.
  • My bagel on Wed and Sun mornings. We go out for them, and that will never change. What did change was the type of bagel I get. I used to get a really fatty or refined flour kind. Like cinnamon sugar, or an asiago cheese bagel with a flavored cream cheese. Now I get a multigrain or wheat bagel with reduced fat cream cheese.

    I also refuse FF dairy products (although I will have a skim milk latte when out). I will have just a bit less of the real stuff, or use a reduced fat version.
  • Hm. Good question. On an individual level ..

    I have sort of given up my DD morning coffee with cream - but only partially. Instead I have it black 4 days a week and treat myself to one with cream on Friday.

    I won't give up good red wine either. I like a glass of wine with dinner and sometimes two. I just figure it into my cals for a 3x a week (on average) part of my diet.

    On a more grand scheme: I won't give up *real* food. I refuse to live my life eating diet food and "lo-fat" or "fat free" food. While there are some things that I will sub (I make tuna salad with low-fat mayo, for example becuase the taste of the mayo isn't the main thing for the salad), for the most part I avoid diet foods. I would rather have a baked potato with one single tsp of real butter, than any number of sprays of fake butter. I refuse to eat fat free cottage cheese; I buy 4% cc and enjoy every bite. That kind of thing.

    I'm sure there are some other things that I haven't given up ... but I can't think of what they are right now.

  • I love cheese, real stinky cheese like triple cream goat cheese. I will not eat fat free cheeses, with the exception of Laughing Cow wedges, those aren't really cheese to me - more of a spread for my wraps.

    I won't quit drinking diet soda, diet energy drinks or espresso. I don't care, I mainline caffeine, I always will.

    Hmm, that's all I can think of now.
  • Real Mayonaisse... Cains to be exact.. I've tried tons of LF, FF different brands... I just don't like them... I keep a tiny jar in the frig, for tuna or chicken salad...
  • Quote:
    I love cheese, real stinky cheese like triple cream goat cheese. I will not eat fat free cheeses, with the exception of Laughing Cow wedges, those aren't really cheese to me - more of a spread for my wraps.
    Oh yeah. I agree with this. I just had an ounce of double cream gorgonzola on my salad. Mmmmm. I would far rather have that and skimp somewhere else. But I also like the LC wedges as a spread on my wasa crackers for a snack.

    And yeah, Diet Coke. I have one a day - in th afternoon. Won't give it up. Ever.

  • White Potatoes. I only eat whole grains, and stay away from "white" carbs such as white rice and refined flour, but I have a small, (plain with a little s & p and Tabasco) at least once a week. Some times twice. I love potatoes and have given them up in all their unhealty versions, but I just can't (won't) give them up baked or roasted.

    Just a side note:
    I used to be like McKenziesmamma and hated any and all low fat, fat free or light salad dressings...but I have come to love a few made by Wish Bone. By accident really. The Light French is excellent and 1000 Island is pretty darn good too. (Also tasty mixed with a little of each) 25 cal a Tablespoon.