30 Something's Weekend Chat: 6/21-6/22

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  • Mornin' All!!
  • must be a busy saturday for everyone...im waiting for little mario to finish in the shower than we are off to start getting ready for our party/open house today...should be fun...its gonna be hot here!

    hey lauren!...hope everyone has a wonderful weekend
  • Mornin' everyone!

    Happy Solstice!! Those of you who live where it makes a difference enjoy the sunshine. It is a big deal up here in Alaska, right now it never actually gets dark and people seem fueled by the sun, most people I know don't get as much sleep in the summer. You can be up mowing the lawn, look at your watch and be like "oh, crap, it's already 11:30 pm!". It is easy to get caught up in things and not notice how late it's getting. We start losing sunlight tomorrow, so basically that means we are on our way to winter I can't think of a better reason for a party, enjoy summer while it's here! I'm taking the kids to the Downtown Solstice Fair today, then Anniversary dinner for DH and I

    Christina, it sure is a busy weekend for us, good luck at your open house, hope all goes well and you have a great time.
  • Toni, that's soo neat! Have fun at the party! Here's where my ignorance comes out...does it really stay sunny around the clock?? Or does it get like, "dusk" overnight? What about winter, is it dark around the clock?? Yes, I grew up in a closet.
  • A little more (okay a lot I think it's kind of interesting) on sunlight in northern areas. The solstices and equinoxes are always a big deal since they mark changes in the levels of sunlight. It changes fastest around the equinox, we lose or gain around 7 minutes a day around that time of the year, that means that the sun would set (or rise) an hour later from one week to the next.

    I live in Fairbanks, it is different depending on where you live. If you live above the arctic circle the sun doesn't set at all on summer solstice and doesn't come up at all on winter solstice. The sun doesn't rise and set in the same place all year round, right now in Fairbanks it comes up in the northeast and sets in the northwest. It kind of circles around the sky during the day, never being directly overhead. At "night" it dips below the horizon so it gets kinda "dusky" around then (today sunrise was 2:58am and sunset will be 12:48 am). The sad part is that the daylight is the exact opposite in winter and our only sunlight comes from when the sun barely crests the southern horizon for a few hours in the afternoon. Unfortunately I work the entire time the sun is up in the winter. Next year I am super-excited because my classroom will have a window!!
  • hey gals...i love the sun facts! i just popped on to say hi...ww goin good...son wanting all my attn.
  • Hey everyone!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

    Toni, I can't imagine trying to convince my kids to go to school in the dark. I forget if you've lived there all your life?

    Christina, sounds like a fun day, where is the party? Is it at your house?

    Erin, how did the little one do on his trip away from home? I know you're glad to have him back.

    Hey Lauren and everyone else! Not alot going on here today.

    Check back later!
  • Hi everyone,
    Had a crappy start to the weekend. DH got mad at me and preceded to yell at me. So I have been giving him the cold shoulder all day. Says that he is sorry and that I should just get over it like he did. But this chickie is finding it harder and harder to let things go where he is concerned when we have a fight. It all stemmed from me telling one of our friend's the truth and he thought I should have sugar coated it for her. Sorry we are all responsible adults lets get real. So this evening when the kids go to his mom's, I think that I will stay home and enjoy the peace and quiet. Maybe I will read a little bit or watch tv. But I don't think that I will be going and doing anything with him. Plus I didn't feel good this morning, I had the runs from drinking a half a glass of beermargiritia's at our friend's house. He told me that he didn't care if I was sick, I had to go help him clean at the pool this morning. So I went but I took my good old time. So I am hoping that he feels bad and lets me stay home tomorrow. I guess we have a cook out to go to tomorrow at his sister's house. So that should be fun. Enough rambling on for me.
    Patricia and Pam hope you are having fun on your trips!
    Lisa that is great about having to go and try on new clothes! I might have to go and get some new shorts soon if my weight and body measurements keep changing. My shorts feel at times like they are going to fall off my hips. Hope work is going well for you! How do you like being a manager of a department?
    Erin so are you glad that your little boy is back home. I bet you can sleep so much better having him home.
    Toni, enjoy your day today. That is so cool about the sunlight. The festival sounds like it would be a lot of fun. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your dinner with your dh. I agree with you about school all year long. I need my break.
    Trish good to see you. Sounds like you have been very busy with your kids and their activities on top of yours too.
    Hi to Alicia, Hanna, Diane, Lauren, Christina and Karen. Hope that you are having a great weekend!
    Off to read a little bit. Then I will think about what my evening plans will be. Chat with you all later.
    Take care,
    P.S. If anyone wants to check out the reading program I am doing, you can check out the book lists at www.kanawha.lib.wv.us Look under Britton Reading Club.
  • Toni, Thanks for the lesson, very interesting!

    Kerry, I'm on DH's sh*tlist right now too. Went and got a pedicure with a couple girlfriends today and lost track of time at the coffee shop. Was gone from 3-6:45.

    Gotta run, DH just walked in.
  • Evening!

    Kerry, where does your DH take care of a pool? Is it his own business or does he work for a company?

    Lauren, that doesn't sound like a long time. I am planning on a pedicure next weekend, they are wonderful!

    Today we had dinner at Logans. We shared a meal...so hopefully, not to much damage was done. Logans is so good and the service is always excellent. Then I did some window shopping, picked up DD from her freinds house and headed to Walmart. Walmart is starting to put the outdoor stuff on clearance. I am thinking of getting a little Bistro to put in my kitchen.

    Hope all are well....
  • Evening All,
    I have had a nice quiet evening to myself. I straightened up the house some, read some of Once Around the Track by Sharyn McCrumb and just got out of the shower. So I am looking forward to curling up in bed, watching a little tv and reading some more soon.
    Alicia, my dh is the maintance person over at the city pool for the summer. Sounds like you had a nice day. Way to go on sharing your dinner. That way you don't over eat on the huge portions that the restuarants are serving these days.
    Lauren, don't you think it is funny, that they can go out and come back when they feel like it. But we are not to be gone for long with our friends. 3 1/2 hours isn't that long of a time. My dh has tried to make up with me several times today and I keep giving him the cold shoulder. I am hoping that he finally sees that he was a big butt head over the whole deal with our friend. Did you enjoy your time this afternoon with your girlfriends?
    Hi to everyone else. I am off to curl up in bed and relax a little bit before going to sleep. Have a nice evening!
  • good evening ladies, had a good day...super exhausting, but fun. Ready for a little restful one tomorrow. BUT, I have to share that I am really excited, we started potty-training DD 4 days ago, just put her in undies, started talking about it, etc. and today she peed on request for the first time, TWICE!
    :c arrot:
    My level of excitement can be seen by the 17 million dancing carrots above.

    I would LOVE to be done with diapers! She is a little young (a year and a half next month), but it is so much easier to potty train in the summer we decided to give it a shot.

    Alicia, I have lived in Alaska since I was 6 yo. from Minnesota. I left for college (went to school in Iowa), then came back to teach, met DH, got married, had kids...that's my life story in a nutshell.

    Kerry, Sounds like you had a good night, a little me-time is always nice. I totally agree about DH's time gone is TOTALLY different than the amount of time I can be gone. I keep hoping it gets better as the kids get older. They are pretty clingy for mama right now.

    Lauren, I love pedicures!, the good ones are so relaxing, and coffee afterwards, sounds like a lot of fun.
  • What ever happened to live chats? I'm home alone most nights while my boyfriend works and my kids are asleep. I'm lonely and want to eat cookies all night long because of it. But that just makes me more miserable. I haven't been in a chat room type atmosphere since I was miserably married.
    Then was on IM with potential dates after my divorce. Now I'd like to chat with people on this site so I can get support in taking care of myself. Isn't there anything live?
  • Hi All,

    Bigmac, We used to have a chat on the site, but I don't think it got a lot of action. I would definitely encourage you to come here when you think you've got nothing better to do and are about to eat something bad instead! If nothing else, there's lots of good reading and motivation that will keep you out of the goodies! Go check out the goal forum!
  • Toni, I put the potty seat out when DS1 was about 1.5 y/o, just so he'd get used to looking at it, sitting on it, etc. I don't think he actually pee'd on it until he was 2, but he was trained by 2.5, except at night (he's still wet in the AM and he's 5!) DS2 (3 y/o), on the other hand, hates the potty seat, will go on the regular toilet, but is hit & miss. Sometimes goes willingly, sometimes you drag him kicking & screaming, but he goes and is then happy. He just doesn't tell me he has to go.

    Kerry, You know, part of the problem is that he almost never goes out. I try to encourage him to go out with some guys from work, or whatever, but he just doesn't. I don't go out often either, but I always feel guilty when I do ask if he minds. Also, he didn't know how long I'd be gone. I didn't think we were going for coffee afterwards...I really wasn't thinking. I figured I'd be home by 4:30-5ish.

    Anyway, home from church, the boys are in the basement watching some "superhero playdate thing" on Noggin and the darn dog is laying on my sofa all comfy-cozy.

    Have a great day all!