WW Core and/versus South Beach Diet

  • Hello:

    I tried searching for this topic in the thread here, but I didn't really find what I was looking for...please forgive me if this is a common question.

    I've been doing SBD for awhile (love the principles of lean protein, good fats, and whole foods--especially fruits and veggies)! But feel sort of restless lately...thinking of trying something new. Heard that CORE is similar to South Beach but more forgiving, so am wondering if anyone has switched from SBD to CORE and has some thoughts on the transition?

    Thinking about joining WW online to take advantage of the site and to learn about CORE but have to ask...is it worth the money or should I try to patch together some information from searching the net and chatting in forums? (Only asking because I signed up for the SBD site and didn't find it very helpful!)

    Thanks for any advice...
  • Here is my 2 cents.... I did not do the exact south beach diet but I did
    study it , and I also tried Atkins for 2 weeks with my husband last summer. I disliked Atkins for the same reasons you mentioned. I wanted a diet I could do for life and not eating fruits made no sense to me . I felt physically bad when trying atkins. I had also watched my husband lose on Atkins 5-6 times only to quickly regain the weight because he had not learned heathy eating habits.
    Weight watchers will tell you that you can alternate between weeks on
    Core and Flex. I have done both but am sticking more with Core right now
    because it is one my husband is willing to do with me. I don't know the exact
    foods that would change between SB and core but they are simalar.
    I like Core because you know all fruits and veg's are allowed not just
    certain ones you have to remember.
    I joined the ww meetings to get the personal support and accountability
    that they provide but as far as information I got that from other sources before joining .
    I am jumping around...sorry... After I get to my goal I am going to try
    eating a combination of flex and core... Heathy foods/small portions/ and
    on occasion very small amounts of higher calorie foods .
    Let us know what you decide and how it is working. This forum has been great for info and encouragement.
  • Here are my thoughts -- I've done SB, Aikens and Suzzane Summer. All are some form of low carb. Yes, I did lose weight on those plans. However, there is no option to eat foods that are not on the lists. You can either have something or never have it again. I found with core, its a lifestyle change that I can live with -- I have my wpa that allows me to really have anything I want (within reason!). I have also found doing core versus the other plans, easier to make family meals rather them my food and their food.

  • I've done SB. I lost only 2 pounds over the strict first phase. It made absolutely NO sense to me not to eat fruit in any form.
  • I did South Beach when the book first came out. I was very successful and lost 35 lbs. I started getting lazy and not following the plan and eventually put all my weight back on, plus another 10 lbs.

    I did WW in the late 90's(Success 123), before SB and was successful with it also. When I heard that WW had 2 programs, I joined to find out about Core. It is very similar to SB. I loved SB but like Core much better. You do have more freedom to eat non core foods with your 35 wpa's. I seldom use my wpa's and just LOVE all the healthy choices Core has to offer. I try new recipes every week.

    On SB, I ate nuts everyday. On Core, you do have to count points if you eat them, so they are a treat for me. A healthy treat. Give it a try. I think you will love Core.
  • Nuts are healthy food full of protein and good fat. I consider them good food and add them to salads and other things - just a tablespoon chopped is 1 point and adds a lot of crunch and flavor. WW does allow them on Core because people tend to overeat them rather quickly.