Hi I am new here

  • Hi I am new to the 3FC community and I believe that I might be classified as a binge eater. I can do sooooo good for a few days and then all of sudden I crave big time something salty or sweet and if I get started on it I can't quit. Last night for example. It wasn't that great of a choice for dinner but I made it for the kids and I just figured what the heck. I had some chicken nuggets and then I made them potato wedges and I had a few. I was fine with that then all of a sudden......I saw some Chili N Cheese Fritos........OMG......I grabbed that bag and ate them and ate them and ate them and then I was so mad at myself for it. I have seen a therapist about it because I was trying to find out if something triggered it but he said he believes me to be a compulsive overeater. I don't care what it is.....it makes you feel good when you do it but then feel like S*** afterwards! Like a failure! I am so glad I found this site that way when I have a feeling of binging or overeating....I can come on here and just post about it and hopefully that will change my mind!
  • Welcome trs71975! You are not a failure, compulsive eating is VERY HARD to manage, everyone in this forum understands the struggle! I'm glad you've found us!
  • I've been doing the same thing since the weekend.
    I've been so good and recently lost 10 lbs, and then since Mother's Day it's like I want to eat everything in the kitchen cabinets!
    I don't have any answers, other than treat each day as a new day.
    Each day is a new beginning to try and be binge free.

    Best wishes
  • I do the same thing! I stay on track for days, start craving something, and then it is all downhill from there. I can't seem to get the whole concept of eating a little bit of something I want... I have to eat all of it, and then move on to the next thing I want...

    I try to keep foods that I typically overeat out of the house, but then when I get desperate, I start concocting things... cream cheese with just about anything; butter, cocoa, and sugar... it is so frustrating, and I'm starting to realize how much of a problem it is for me.

    Good luck and you are not alone!!
  • No, you are not alone. It's something that hard to control but we have to learn how to stop bingeing. I think that the first step is to talk about it...
  • Welcome trs71975. I am new here too. I do the same things as you...hopefully you can find the support you need here.