How do I figure points on my recipe?

  • I have not had any of my homemade chili since starting ww and I want to make some but am not sure how to calculate the points. I know how to calculate for each ingredient I put in separately but once it's all together, how do I know the serving size and points value?
  • Ww Online Has A Recipe Builder That Calculates Points For You When You Enter Your Recipe In It. But You Have To Know How Many Servings You Are Going To Divide It Into.

    If You Don't Have Ww Online Though, I Would Measure Your Pot Of Chili Using A Cup And See How Many Cups Are In The Pot. Then Divide Your Total Ingredients Points Value By How Many Cups There Are. You Should Only Have To Go Through That Mess Once If You Make It The Same Every Time Then You Will Know How Many Points Are In Each Cup.

    Hope That Helps