Cucumber aka Puke-umber

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  • Sorry it's what I called it as a kid
    I've learned to eat a lot more veggies then I ever did as a kid but I'm still pretty anti-cucumber. I can deal with it in taziki sauce but that's about it. I need to buy one to make a dab of homemade taziki but trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the cuke. Any ideas on disguising it in something? Tossing it into my salads doesn't work!!
  • I love cucumber! Buy a bottle of seasoned rice vinegar and drizzle it over fresh slices of cucumber. It's really good
  • Make gazpacho?,00.html
  • Quote: I love cucumber! Buy a bottle of seasoned rice vinegar and drizzle it over fresh slices of cucumber. It's really good
    Hmm still sounds a bit too much like cucumber, maybe after I learn to like them!!

    Quote: Make gazpacho?,00.html
    That recipe sounds yummy!! Good call DCchick!

    Thanks ladies. Keep em coming! I'm trying to make myself acquire a taste for all veggies!
  • I have never liked cucumbers, and didn't really know why. I just thought they were gross. Until I had cucumber that had almost no seeds (I think maybe it was english cucumber), I realized it was the slimy texture of the center of the cucumber that I didn't like. So now I remove the seeds first. I cut the cucumber in half length-wise and scoop out the seeds. Then I either dice it in small cubes, or slice it thinly. I've also used a vegetable peeler to peel the cucumber, thrown away the peel and then continued to use the vegetable peeler to make thin ribbons of cucumber to put on a salad (when I get down to the seedy-center, I throw the rest away.
  • watermelon cucumber gazpacho. mighty tasty.
    cucumbers and mint and yogurt. tasty.
    cucumbers and tomatoes with cilantro and vinegar. Tasty.
    Cucumbers balled up marinated in apple cider vinegar tossed into a salad. tasty.
    I <3 me some 'cucks
  • Oh I absolutely LOVE cucumbers. I like to peel them, cut them, and drizzle just a dab of ff ranch on them and maybe some ff cheese with a dash of pepper on the top! YUM!
  • Maybe you'd like them cooked versus raw? Try sauteeing them in a little olive oil until hot and tender, season, eat. I came across cooked cukes in an old cookbook. I guess at one point cooking them was the norm.
  • I do like cooked cucumber, it's almost indistinguishable from cooked zucchinni.
  • you can eat them with hummus!
  • Hmm never thought about cooking them since they're so high in water. I do love cooked zucchini, might be a good place to start if it does taste like that!
  • If you like a lot of other veggies, I say don't force yourself to like cucumber. I love veggies but there are certain ones I know I'll never like (celery).
  • I'm with whoever wrote that they don't like the seeds. I slice them lengthwise, use my thumb down the length to scoop out the seeds, then slice them. The bonus there is that you're left with a nice curved scoop shape that is perfect for scooping up a little hummus!

  • I hate them too! Bleck!!
    Why eat them if you don't like them?
    You shouldn't force yourself to eat something that you don't love.
  • Sorry Heather, I'm several months too late to respond but here's how I like to eat cucumber. I don't know if you finally gave up on it or are still looking into ways to try it. I only eat the English Cucumber cuz they're seedless and I always peel. Here goes...

    - Grated, squeezed excess water and mixed in with yogurt (you can try it with soy yogurt). I don't know how it will taste with soy yogurt. I add little salt and black pepper.

    - Slice them and add it to my cucumber veggie sandwich and season to taste

    - Dice them up small and add to diced up red onions, tomatoes, cilantro, cayenne, lemon, salt and black pepper to taste. (chilled)

    - Cut them length wise and put some salt/pepper to taste, dash of lemon and just eat it. (chilled)

    Hope this helps
    (I really need to read more stuff on 3fc)