Moving from walking to jogging/running

  • Hi All,

    Can anyone recommend a good program for sloooowly moving from a walking workout to a running one? I guess I am looking for something that would gradually increase the proportion of running during a set workout time.

    Thanks for any info!

  • Couch to 5K!!
  • Ditto that....C25K
  • You guys are quick! Thanks for the link, I will print it out and take it to the gym with me.

  • Ditto on the C25K plan. I started this week though I think its going to take several weeks to get to jogging. I could physically do it and felt my legs were fine but my heart rate was too high so I resorted to walking faster for them. I'll wait another week and try one interval jogging again then work my way up slowly to jogging all the intervals before moving on to Week 2.

    I did a similar interval walk/jog in the past and with in a couple months I was jogging/running 10 minutes straight so I know it works.
  • I also LOVE c25k! I am in week 8, and never would have thought I could run this far! Last night I ran for 28 minutes straight.
    I know some people slow the program down and repeat weeks if they need to, so don't be afraid to do that if it moving too quickly.
    I can't wait to run a 5K!
  • I also like c25k, and don't be afraid to take it even slower than the program says. I've heard that some people who want to start slow cut the first week by 1/2 or 1/3 the jogging time, so instead of jogging for 90 seconds you might start with 30 or 75 seconds or whatever works for you. You are right to want to ease into it, but I hope you are surprised by how quickly your body adjusts!