Disney when pregnant?

  • Have any of you gone to Disney World or some other theme park while pregnant? I'm thinking of booking a trip in September, and DH and I are going to TTC soon (so I may be pregnant then, I may not). But I'm wondering, if I am, if I'll still have just as good a time as I used to. I should say that when we have gone in the past it was during September (VERY slow) and we would ride the roller coaster rides over and over since there were no lines. I wouldn't stop DH from riding them, but I'm worried that I will feel as if I'm "missing out" on some of the really good stuff.
  • If the rides are your thing I would check with Disney as to their rules regarding pregnant women riding the rides. You may be banned from all or only some of the rides. For myself, if the rides are the highlight, I would find going & not being able to do the rides very disappointing.

    Good luck with ttc!
  • How long have you been TTC? If you are not pregnant as of this minute, I wouldn't worry so much about what happens in September IF...

    You will drive yourself crazy if you worry about situations that haven't happened yet.
  • http://www.passporter.com/wdw/pregnant.htm

    found this

    Ooh and Ride restrictions: http://www.themeparks.com/disney/wdw/restrictions.htm
  • Yeah I already saw the ride restrictions.

    We will start TTC VERY soon. Because of a medical condition, DH and I have to be much more.... attentive... about it than most. You know, instead of "just letting it happen".

    I talked to DH about it yesterday. We think we want to go, we just have to see if we want to spend the money (depending on the cost).
  • Well we had booked the vacation. We are leaving a week from tomorrow. And now I'm pregnant! DH said he will ride some of the rides without me (I want him too!) and we also invited my brother, SIL, and a friend to join us down there for 2-3 days (we will be there for 7) so that DH can ride with other people and someone can do something else with me. Our friend is coming for sure (he had some free airline tickets) but I'm still not sure about my brother and SIL. I can't wait... I need a vacation!
  • I've done Disney pregnant a few times (we go often). There are a lot of things you can still ride! Have a great time!
  • Interesting. I talked to my doctor about the fact that I was going to Disney and she said that I don't have to pay attention to any of those warnings on the rides because I am too early in the pregnancy for going on them to possibly effect the baby. I don't know how I feel about that though, because if something happened I think I would just blame myself. So I feel OK going on some of the restricted rides, basically the ones I was wondering about why they were restricted to begin with like Splash Mountain (isn't the only thing on that one to maybe be worried about a drop?) and Kali River Rapids, and maybe Expedition Everest. But I think I'll stay away from things like Rock n Rollercoaster and Tower of Terror this time around.
  • Expedition Everest is pretty wild, going backwards. Just an FYI. Interesting about the rides not effecting the baby this little.....didn't know that.
    I felt nauseous on Everest when I wasn't pregnant, if I tried to ride it now I am certain I'd lose my lunch. LOL!
  • Yeah, I've been on it before. But its not really jerky like Space Mountain is. That is what worries me more! The only rides that ever made me feel a little sick are Tower of Terror and Mission Space. I didn't go on Mission Space last time because DH was afraid he would lose his breakfast
  • Going backwards is what made me sick I think. But it was fun of course! I HATE Space Mountain. Absolutely hate it. I am always afraid I'm going to hit my head on something. :::shudders:::
  • I went to Kings Island and rode all kinds of rollercoasters and then 3 days later found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I flipped out and talked to my OB about it. Her response was that it was no big deal because that early in the pregnancy the baby is so well protected (They are in a huge cushiony area) that there is no way that it would be affected. She said that those warnings are more for people in their 2nd trimester and the 3rd trimester especially. Personally, I would do what you are planning and ride some of the lesser rides and stay away from the big ones because if I were to have a miscarriage, even though it probably wouldn't be my fault, I would still blame myself.