New Here......ready To Give It My All

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  • Hi Everyone,

    My name is Angela. I am 36 years old. I am very determined this time to loose my weight and keep it off. I am 1 week into my new eating and light exercise program.

    I started at 211 and I am now at 206.

    I am basically eating small amounts of food through out the day and doing my best to not eat anything past 6 or 7 and if i do get hungry I just eat veggies.

    Although it will be difficult, I am not putting undo stress on myself. If i have to eat on the road, I will just cut my portions down.

    Amazing, I went to McD's last night ordered there chicken sandwich value meal. I ate about 1/3 of it, about 4 fries and threw the rest out. I really didn't want anymore. THAT IS AMAZING FOR ME

    But I got the taste I wanted without depriving myself like I can't eat like other people who are a size 2

    I actually have about 82 lbs to loose now.

    I am trying to figure out how to get a ticker thing going. Small things like that keep me going.

    Any help, advice or anything I would appreciate. I plan to visit here daily as my schedule permits
  • Hi Angela!!!

    Congrats on your loss so far And amazing success on only eating part of that McDs meal!

    You'll have to wait for 30 posts & 30 days to get your ticker, but the time will fly by!

    The one thing I'd suggest is keeping track of the food you're eating in some way. Writing it down on paper, on Fitday, something to know what you're taking in. That way you can take a look back over what you've been eating in case you have questions.

    Best of success!!!
  • Thank you,
    Yes I do feel good. There is alot to my story. But basically why I know I will be successful this motives are different. I am not loosing in order to feel "OK" I realize that even now, at 206, I as a person am weight loss will just add to me becoming better. Kinda that going from Glory to glory thing ya know.....Before all my attempts were only to feel good about myself, that was my root reason which will not work....

    I realized that if i just say to my self "I'm not where I need to be, thank God I'm not where I used to be, I'm ok and I'm on my way" it really really helps me alot because I am not feeling down on my journey.

    Before I started the weight loss, actually there has been alot of "cleaning" up in my life if you will so weight loss was not some priority. I knew when I was ready I would be ready for sure and for good. This is how I am.

    I am a pretty strong willed person so hopefully this time it will work in the good for me not the negative-LOL

    Thanks for your quick reply
  • You certainly have a great attitude! You'll find a super group of chickies here with lots of encouragement and support. Explore the site and pop in wherever you like to join in.
  • Welcome! Good luck with your plan, sounds like you have a great start going!
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC & the 100lb club, a great place to be!

    I second Faerie's idea of some sort of calorie tracking. It's a GREAT way to stay accountable and on track and help you achieve your goals and desires.

    I wish you continued success!!!
  • Yes I am already a part of the fitday site. I track all my foods eaten. It helps that I work out of my home office. I can take a few minutes and treadmill when I want or use my ab lounge or walk around the block. I am going to enjoy the journey and that is what I am determined to do.

    I've done all the other things in the past only for them to work and fail. I finally realized it is because I always wanted quick fixes right?

    This HAS to be a life time mentality. I am very happy because tonight I went out to eat with my kids (I dread eating out because I over eat and most of the food is so high in calories, fat, sugar, you name it) but instead of feeling like I need to isolate myself, I said yes we will go. They had pizza, hamburgers etc....I ordered only the salad bar.

    NOW even at the salad bar you have to be careful HOWEVER, I got alot of lettuce, cucumbers and I only like blue cheese so I used only enough for taste instead of loading it on, I opted not to put cheese etc on my salad only like 4 croutons.

    Over all I felt like I just had good control, enjoyed the kids and that was it. I drank water (which is no big deal for me because anyway I hate soda, it doesn't sit right with me)

    Oh and I had a 1/2 a slice of pizza and took off the top crust.

    So this is what I am learning to do. JUST eat what I want keep the portions small enough to enjoy the taste, eat slower than before and eat with purpose and that's it

    So far it's working great. I'm not really thinking constantly about should I eat this or that or whatever, no always am I in a situation where the best food is available, I just try to make wise choices.

    Before I would say "no sugar" or "No carbs" or "2 calories a day" or something and always felt like I was missing out......I just don't want to set myself up for failure ya know??/

    I plan to stay on this site for a long time so I can be encouraged and hopefully be an encouragement to others.
  • Welcome! Congrats on your weight loss and enthusiasm!
  • to 3FC! It's a great place to receive support and learn new things.
  • Quote: Yes I am already a part of the fitday site. I track all my foods eaten. It helps that I work out of my home office. I can take a few minutes and treadmill when I want or use my ab lounge or walk around the block. I am going to enjoy the journey and that is what I am determined to do.

    I've done all the other things in the past only for them to work and fail. I finally realized it is because I always wanted quick fixes right?

    This HAS to be a life time mentality. I am very happy because tonight I went out to eat with my kids (I dread eating out because I over eat and most of the food is so high in calories, fat, sugar, you name it) but instead of feeling like I need to isolate myself, I said yes we will go. They had pizza, hamburgers etc....I ordered only the salad bar.

    NOW even at the salad bar you have to be careful HOWEVER, I got alot of lettuce, cucumbers and I only like blue cheese so I used only enough for taste instead of loading it on, I opted not to put cheese etc on my salad only like 4 croutons.

    Over all I felt like I just had good control, enjoyed the kids and that was it. I drank water (which is no big deal for me because anyway I hate soda, it doesn't sit right with me)

    Oh and I had a 1/2 a slice of pizza and took off the top crust.

    So this is what I am learning to do. JUST eat what I want keep the portions small enough to enjoy the taste, eat slower than before and eat with purpose and that's it

    So far it's working great. I'm not really thinking constantly about should I eat this or that or whatever, no always am I in a situation where the best food is available, I just try to make wise choices.

    Before I would say "no sugar" or "No carbs" or "2 calories a day" or something and always felt like I was missing out......I just don't want to set myself up for failure ya know??/

    I plan to stay on this site for a long time so I can be encouraged and hopefully be an encouragement to others.

    My goodness, my oh my. WHAT control you have!!!

    I don't know, I just couldn't do it. For ME, and helloooo, obviously we are all different, I just can't do moderation. I give you so much credit. I really need to stay away, FAR away from my trigger foods. Like pizza and fries and yup, sugar, etc...

    ME? I need VOLUME. I need to be really FULL and satisfied from my food intake. And 1/2 slice of pizza just wouldn't do it for me. I start having pizza, it makes me want MORE pizza. I start with fries, I find I NEED more fries, etc... It doesn't fill me up and then I find myself hungry soon thereafter and oish, not good.

    I find foods high in fiber (think high fiber cereal, apples, pears, grapes, spinach, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, asparagus, greens, etc...) & low fat proteins (chicken, turkey breast, egg whites, skim milk, salmon, tuna, FF/SF yogurt, veggie burgers, etc) to really give me the most bang for my buck, or the most satifaction for my calorie allotment. I also like to eat frequently, every 2 - 2 1/2 hours or so, so that I never become hungry. Eating low calorie, high nutrient foods allows me to do so.

    I find if I cook at home, I can eat lots more food then when I eat out. Which is a good thing for me. Very good.

    Anyway, keep up the amazing work. It's bound to pay off!!!
  • Hi Angela,

    Welcome, looks like you have a great plan mapped out, I admire your will power. You have the right mind set, all about moderation. So happy that you are joining us, this is a great place to, just sit back and read sometimes, see how well others are doing or to ask for some help or support on those tough days. Much success
  • Institches.....rockinrobin...........HUGS to you guys....

    Look we all have to find what works for us individually. God didn't create any of us exactly the same. I know only for me what worked before really never stuck because my motives were very bad.....i also know my personality, i'm's like when i tell myself i CAN'T have rebellious fiesty me says "OH YEA>>>>>WATCH ME" lol thus my past ways never working....

    Now....this morning I REALLY challenged myself.....

    last week i walked for only about 15 minutes in the morning....didn't even break a sweat but just wanted to kinda condition my head to do SOMETHING activity wise each day.....

    NOW today....i took this whole 200lb angie and (BTW my back yard is my old high school I graduated from MANY moons ago) and a beautiful brand new track that is so awesome, easy on the legs, marked every few hundred feet and has 5's truly awesome

    SO this morning I decided to feel like I was in high school again (OH I HATED gym in high humiliating) and I went four times around the track (it's 1/2 mile one lap) jogged 1 full lap and a 1/2....brisk walked the rest ended my last 400 feet running....


  • ....and CONGRATS on the weight loss so far! You can do it! Just remember no matter how hard it gets NEVER give up!
  • 200lb MAMA running?

    I say FANTASTIC!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

  • Rockinrobin

    I assume is your name....

    can you share with me real quick how long it took for your weight to come off.....what made you finally say enough was enough......and what were you so consistant at that made the biggest difference???
