Newbie - Sick of being fat

  • The following is a message I posted on the PCOS page. Jennifer mentioned that i should post it here and get involved in the Low Carb board. I LOVE carbos. I don't really love any food, but I definitely have a strong magnetic connection to carbos...I hope you guys can relate. I've tried no avail. I'm going to do some research and check the recipes. I'm a VERY strong person, so once I start, here I go. I hope we'll get to know each other better and we can all be supportive of each other. After reading this post though, please let me know your thoughs. Thanks!!
    This was posted about a week ago. My Doctor is doing some testing for PCOS and will test my thyroid next week.

    "Ok, so I'm a 3FC virgin. Today is my first day on here. I found the site while looking for information on POCS or whatever it's called. What a great idea for a website. I'm addicted already. is the first day of the rest of my life. No, really. Today I go to the gyno for my yearly. Not that all or any of you care, but work with me. I'm 23 years old. I'm about 5'11 and 300 pounds. Yes, I did just write that. It's not a typo. It might seem shocking and it IS. ESPECIALLY if you saw me. I'm not as big as you might think a 300 pounder should be. Anyway, I've tried EVERYTHING. I've been big all my life. I come from a long line of big people (how many of you have heard that before?). My dad played pro football, older brother played college football and I follow right in those genes. I look like the typical offensive lineman. But, I'm a girl. I haven't always been 300 pounds...thank god. Even when I wasn't exactly 300 pounds I was still around 220. Anyway, about 2 years ago, I started putting it on. I noticed it, but didn't really notice it. I was playing college women's rugby (using that football frame) and was doing 2-40 minutes halves of pure running. It didn't make sense to me, but i didn't do anything about it. (Note: About a year before that, I decided that I didn't want to try the throwing up my meals anymore.) Ok, so I started exercising more and more trying to get it gone. When I say exercise, I mean, 3 or 4 times a week walking on the treadmill. *This is nothing compared to what I do now. Whew! Anyway, it still didn't work. I was about 280 at this time, which was about a year ago. So, this past July I decided I was going to wage WAR on my weight issue. Since then I've been walking 3 miles-4 times a week(at about 3.7 mph), swimming 50 laps-5 times a week (30 minutes) and lifting weights with 20 more minutes of Cardio 3 times a week (1 hour total). I'm sure you're thinking, what's she eating? Well, I'll tell you. I eat less than the average 100 pounder. I average about 800 calories. My personal trainer has said that my body has just gone into starvation mode and is storing whatever I eat. So, I try to eat about 1200 calories.....300 pounds. I know the whole muscle weighs more than fat bit and i get it. It just gets frustrating. This is where I am now. I'm sick of being fat. I've tried the Atkins, Sugar Busters all of them. I don't eat a lot. I'm not a closet junkie. Nothing. Interesting note though. I DO have some facial hair recently. I have pains in my lower right quadrant. My periods are irregular. Adding all this together, my nutrionist last year told me to talk to my gyno about POCS. She prescribes glucophage (500mg) and within a week, I'm transferred from my job then I moved (back home to another state). I Never talked to my gyno and only tried the gluco for about 3 days. I didnt' really feel comfortable taking something for something i wasn't sure I had. So, about a year later I am finally deciding to see a doctor. For a while I felt like I was looking for an excuse for being fat, so i didn't bother going to the doc. Now I've just decided I have nothing to lose, except weight. So here I am. Does anyone with POCS have similar signs or issues? I'm kinda curious what my doctor will say today. We're not the most advanced area down here in the Florida Keys. When I mentioned the glucophage to my regular doctor, he just said...hmmm. Might as well have told me, get over it honey. You're fat, you eat too much, and I know, secretly you like chocolate cake...ALOT. I'm not really sure why I posted except just to unload (others did it so I figured I could). I'm only 23 and don't want to think of the possibilty of not being able to have children. I'll deal with that when I have to. For right now, I just have a gut feeling that POCS is what it is. We'll see though. I guess I just want all of you to keep up the good work. Appreciate what you have and continue to strive to be something better. That's all you can do. Keep updating...i'm VERY interested. Thanks for listening. "
  • mks!

    I think that you should come in here, sit and stay for a while. Here put your feet up! How about a cup of tea?

    I can not speak to the PCO part, but I know there are gals here that can. I am sure they will come along soon.

    Have you tried CALP? I think that it may be a workable solution for you. Carbohydate Addicts Lifespan program by the Drs Hellers. Go to the library (when your done with your tea) and check it out.

    I do think that you need to feed your body more. Did I read correctly that at one time you threw up your meals? BTDT and I think that for people like us that low carbing is a valuable key to the locked door. I also think that the starvation mode is a very real thing and with all your exercise and eating so little fuel that your body may be hanging on to every bit that it can. You need to free it up by eating more of the right foods. I bet Susan will add to this when she gets a chance. Interesting, when I stay on my program (I am comining ww with low carb...I do not advise you to do it at this point your body needs to feel what real low carbing is like...just my opinion) and eat more food on any certain day within my range, I drop weight...I think my body says, "YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! thank you!"

    The rugby thing....brings back memories! I played ONE game in college, 23 years ago. We were a little group 3 school playing a group one school. At that time, it was just a club sport. I heard my friend Sherrie scream, while clutching her chest, "I've been de-boobified! I've been de-boobified" That was it for me...I walked off the field as quick as could be! My Dad did especially appreciate me coming home on break and singing him those lovely songs!!! You've come along way baby!!!

    Hang out with us mks, post often, the chicks here are wonderful and can make a big difference in the quality of your life!

  • Hello mks--I posted a response to you on the PCOS board and I am so glad to see you here! Please join our Spring Challenge--it will help you with the support you need and also know that you can track yourself to see how you're doing
  • Welcome, MKS!
    great to have you- read a lot and post your ups and downs and questions!

    There is a lot of info here, and lots of warmth and support. Some inspiration, some baseball, some singing, a little poetry, a little prayer. Well, a lot of prayer. And the occasional kick in the butt- I am just giving myself one, right now!

    Seriously, reducing carbs has changed my relationship with food- I am an ex-vegetarian, you know, pasta, bread, cheese, pasta, bread, cheese! No matter how low fat I went, I still gained! If I cut carbs significantly, I feel much better, stop craving and feeling hungry, and feel stronger.

    hope to see you more often!
  • ahhhh....Tuesday
    Wow! Thanks for the support guys. It's great to hear about what works for everyone else. Peach Pit, you read that right. Not something I'm particularly proud of, but in high school, I did try throwing up my food. I was on Phen/Redux for a while and took myself off of it because of the health risks. I didn't want to see the weight come back on, so I either ate very little or forced myself to give up what I had eaten already. BTDT? You'll have to help me with what that means. I've never tried CALP or even heard of it, but I'll look into it today. I work with computers, so the internet is at my fingertips everyday. Rugby? I didn't know it had been around all that long. I can definitely agree that my dad loved hearing the songs. He'd always respond, Maggie, you make me so proud then roll his eyes. That sport was really good for me and my football frame, but OUCH. There are leagues (not here) but I can't afford to be broken in two anymore. I pay my own insurance bills now.
    To all, I've slowly been working on eating more, and I think I'm on to something. I just feel like with all that I do it (weight) should just be falling off. Anyway, last night (no working out after work on Mondays so I had a little time on my hands) I made the neatest little dinner. I'll post it on the recipes, but it was really easy, and good for me. It was Chicken with spinach and garlic and herbs. I used one of those Lipton recipes on the little box that you can find in the soup aisle added some light mayo mixed it up with spinach (I hate veggies so it was a good way to hide them from myself) and added some shreaded fat free cheese so it would hold the sauce together. Put the sauce on the chicken (frozen), put it in the oven for 45 minutes and out pops a meal. Yum. Let's see, what else? Tuna for lunch. I don't really like it, I think it's the fish smell, but I try to eat it anyway. Dad (who's in the fish business) can't believe I don't like fish. Lastly, Dottie Jon, boy do I know where you're coming from. Bread, cheese, POTATOES, bread, cheese potatoes, you get the idea. I've cut out bread and potatoes as a start. Pooky, what's the Spring Challenge? I'm always up for those. Have a great day everyone.

    To Do List for Maggie:
    Check out CALP
    Concentrate on eating 5 small meals with VERY low carbos

    Sounds like I have a busy day ahead of me. Thanks AGain guys.
  • Welcome Maggie,

    Please post that chicken/spinach recipe, it sounds wonderful.

    You have found a wonderful place to visit that will provide you with loads of support. Best of luck to you.