Frist Month Out and Traveling life style!

  • Well I have been somewhat MIA the last few week because I started back to work. For those of you who do not know, I travel about 30 plus weeks a year and actually that may increase this year. As of Friday I am one month out and let me tell you, it has been interseting.

    I started traveling again while in the puree phase. I was also only 3 weeks post op so was pretty tired that first week. It was much harder than I thought to find the right things to eat. Basically i stuck to things that were soft and i know I could chew chew and chew. Learning good habits for the rest of my life. I was afraid to not chew things up really really well. I pack my suppliments and the protein bullets are my best friend. They are the easiest of all. My biggest struggle was trying to make sure i ate something every 3 or 4 hours. You know how it is when you are out and about. You lose track of time or get busy with something.

    I had my very first dumping this morning. I ordered a pancake and had a little butter on it. About two mins after my first bit i felt awful. I felt like i had an air bubble and my tummy was being squeezed really had. Hope that never happens again!

    For those of you who are worried about eating out just remember, its not too bad as long as you educate yourself. I have been looking at different resturants information on line to know what I can and can not eat. I keep a small amount of Whey protein in my purse. One morning I odered a glass of skim milk and added that and that was my breakfast. I have to admit. I do order a small glass of water (even though I do not drink it) It keeps that waiter from looking at you like you are a freak when you say you do not want anything at all to drink. I found that its best to order a cup of soup verse a bowl of soup. K, this is gettting really long so I will stop for now. Just remember if you have to eat out, dont be afraid to ask about the kids menu or the seniors. I have yet to have anyone give me a hard time at all about it.
  • Hi Honey! Glad you are getting into the swing of your on-the-go life...sounds like you got the resturant thing down!

    I still have a time remembering to chew, chew, chew, but the pouch sure tells me when I don't! Don't want to do that twice! It's starting to sink in...chew or pain...I'm just thick as a brick I suppose!

    Good to hear from you!

  • Vacation over?!?!? What!
    Kind of a tough vacation!!! LOL!! I'm glad your back at it and doing so well. The only reason it is tough eating out for me is the fast food joints. And with you still being on pureed you've made the best of it, sounds like. We traveled a couple of weeks ago and stopped in at Wendys. I usually get a chili, but decided that I wanted a grilled chix, so they put it in a bowl without the bun and no mayo. I cut it up and put some of it on the ceasar salad and the rest went in the cooler for later. I know there are ways around food, but I was so used to pulling up to a window, ordering and gobbling it down will I'm driving. I tried using my WLS card at a dinner and the boss said no, but the waitress gave it to me on the side. I hate leftovers!!! I'm like you and try not to leave the house without something in my purse. I'm trying the Atkins Granola Bars this week because they have a bit of fiber in them. 200 cals; 8 fat; carbs 18; fiber 6; sugars 1; sugar alcohols 2; and prot 17. I usually only eat half of one and I don't use them everyday; they are my emergency stash! Take care of yourself and make sure you are getting some exercise. You are doing real well.