Thank you ...Several goals met!

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  • Hi! I would like to thank for my new body! However i may be obsessed now..I started out at 187lb when i got these few stretch marks on my belly so i found this site and viewed the success stories so i set a goal of 160 then once that was met i set a new one for 150 then 140 so now i'm at 134lb and almost have a 6 pack (4 at the moment) But i don't think i eat enough is 2pm right now and i haven't ate anything and prob won't till dinner..sometimes i have a slimfast shake or something tiny during the day but find myself starving myself lol...Anyways i haven't been feeling good the past week..I feel kinda weak but still do pushups,curls,situps/crunches.

    I must say though my stomach although still has like 4 stretchmarks are very light now..looks fabulous along with my chest! Everything is getting tight!

    So big thanks for this site!

    And i just took this pic from my laptop right now but it's only 2.0 megapixel.
  • Quote: But i don't think i eat enough is 2pm right now and i haven't ate anything and prob won't till dinner..sometimes i have a slimfast shake or something tiny during the day but find myself starving myself lol...Anyways i haven't been feeling good the past week..I feel kinda weak but still do pushups,curls,situps/crunches.
    Listen to your intuition...Starving yourself isn't a good idea! This site can show us all that eating sensibly is the way to go for long term success.
  • Hi there,

    You look amazing and I don't think you need to lose any more weight. But please start eating properly - you are not doing yourself a favour by starving yourself. You don't want to become anorexic!
  • Hey there! Glad you found us!

    Perhaps it's time to stop wanting smaller and smaller numbers on the scale, and instead start concentrating on eating in a healthy, sustainable way that will keep you slim and give you the nutrients you need. You are not doing yourself any favors by not eating all day. That's really very hard on your body and can set you up to gain weight later on.

    So try to plan your meals and pace them throughout the day. You'll feel better!

  • I plan on stopping at 130lb and just continue with pushups and crunches.
  • Hey! I looked at your first pic--that picture on the wall next to you is a Salvador Dali painting reprint--only, I've seen the original, and it is HUGE! Really, it takes up a whole wall! V. cool! Unbelievable!

    Drop the weapon

  • Quote: Hey! I looked at your first pic--that picture on the wall next to you is a Salvador Dali painting reprint--only, I've seen the original, and it is HUGE! Really, it takes up a whole wall! V. cool! Unbelievable!

    Drop the weapon

    Yes, We have several Salvador Dali reprints threw out the house.
  • You look excellent, but you do have to start eating!!
  • You look fantastic!


    you do have to eat. You can't go on not eating for the rest of your life, and it could come back. Start eating 5-6 small meals a day rich in fiber, good carbs, and proteins, low in fat...
    keep working out! you'll get a 12-pack if you eat and work out!!

    Good luck!
  • What a transition to go from worrying what will go in your stomach to what you can bounce off your stomach.
  • Still going and not really trying..just pushups and crunches still...currently 129lb....Not sure how thin i should be though!

    The thing with several tiny meals is it don't work for me...I rather have a shake or tiny lunch and a big dinner and feel full for the night...If i had several small meals i'd be hungry at night which is harder to deal with!
  • You have done awesome don't starve yourself and don't give up the exercise. You need to maintain and exercise will be helpful in that. Losing requires the exercise but don't skip the cardio now that you hit and surpassed your goal. AWESOME by the way.

    Also skipping meals like that will cause your body to hang onto fat stores and you can't reach that 6 pack goal that easy if your body holds onto in fear that you won't eat. Morning and afternoon meals need not be huge but fresh fruit and high protein and fiber cereals are not going to be that much. And veggies and lean protein with your lunch. My best friend is like that too. Her dr told her if she is going to skip meals it should be that dinner. I know from many personal experiences that if you don't stick to the changes you use to lose it will and DOES come back.
  • Hello! Many congrats for your goals! And I understand what you say about prefering a big meal at the end of the day. I also prefer to do my big meal at night (not too late though) and eat little during the day because I'm always so busy, I just eat fruit, yogurts and a soup at lunch. But I eat at regular times, I never let myself be more than 3.30h without eating. Health comes first, so altough I understand your case, I think may be you could find a mid term there. And I guess you're not interested in your body "eating" your muscles, when you spend more than 3 hours without eating your liver starts using some aminoacids to make glucose to send to the brain. Good luck with your journey, I hope you get better from that weakness and start eating more regulary. kisses
  • gr8 job keep it up
  • congratulations!!!!