First Post Op visit

  • My Doctor is going on vacation so I had my first check up one week out. But I can not complain. I lost 9lbs my first week. I got a gold start from everyone! The bust part: I have tracked and logged all my intake so well that the NUT said that I only have to stay on liquids for one more week before I can move to pureed. I am hitting my water/fluids and almost at my protein goal as well. I can also return to my job in another week. Which made my bosses day! I really like my job so I am happy about it too. I am off and moving (Dont worry Jiffy and Nanj Im not going to start Runnng). I just felt soo good about it all when I got done and told mom I could not wait to get home and share with all of you. Everyone could not believe how well I was doing even my incision spots are looking pretty good! As I move into pureed foods I will be asking a lot of questions. I will start traveling again at that point and will have to figure out how to eat while traveling!

    Love to all
  • I am so glad you are doing so wonderfully! Keep up the good work!

  • Woot! Woot!
    WTG, but I'm mad because I had to stay on 3 weeks of fulls. I not really mad, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Keep up the good job my dear!!!
  • That is great news!!
  • I am so happy for you! i only stayed on fulls for two weeks too.