Spring is around the corner

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  • Love the thought, and also dread it. I am struggling with the last 10-15lbs of post pregnancy weight and so don't want to have to go buy "fat" clothes for spring. That is a depressing thought! If I buy new clothes, I want it to be because I am spoiling myself, not because I have to because none of my old clothes fit.
    Any one else have this dread of spring thought?
  • I know what you mean. Although I'm a LOT longer away from my goal. I don't want to go buy clothes because I still don't like how I look in them. Maybe a year from now I'll enjoy it but I just think that this will be my LAST Spring/summer EVER having to not want to buy clothes. Good luck on those last pounds, I'm sure you'll get there before you know it!
  • I very often have the "dread of spring"... pulling out all the boxes of summer clothes, then having to go through the painful process of figuring out what did/didn't fit anymore.

    Last year was particularly depressing, as the only shorts that fit anymore were my fat shorts. You know... the ones that used to hang off my hips... now they're stuck to my butt.

    But this year, I have hope that things will be different.

    Sorry to hear you're struggling with that last little bit of baby-weight. You could always do what I do---when forced to wear summer casual clothing (ie summer clothes outside of work), go to athletic wear. They make cute (and inexpensive) cotton capri pants and athletic shorts that are ok for most situations in summertime. That way, you're not spending all of your "spoiling yourself" money on fat clothes (like I've had to do so many times before), but you're also properly equipped for warmer weather (and exercise!).
  • Great idea for the clothes!
    What did you do to lose the 18lbs? I see you're pretty close!
    I am hoping joining this forum will give me the extra push to lose the last bit
    Congrats to all who have lost any amount of weight...
  • Thanks! I am doing Weight Watchers, and I try to exercise 3-4 times/week. The 22.6lb mini-goal is my 10% goal. I'm still very very very far from my overall goal. But the WW flex plan is working great for me so far. I plan my meals and I write everything down. That helps a lot.

    Are you following any particular plan to lose your baby-weight? Was this your first baby?
  • I too have about 10 lbs to go to REALLY fit into my spring/summer clothes BUT that's my goal. I went on a shopping diet and refused to buy new clothes until I lost some weight and could wear them better. Lately I've been buying a few size 10 jeans as I know that's where I'm going to be, if they are stretchy like the DKNY jeans that I love, they'll work +/- 5-8 lbs. It's the tops that are hard. A few tricks to disguise the extra weight is 3/4 sleeve or elbow length shirts, I refuse to wear the cute tops if my arms are flabby but I'm working on that with weights. I have long legs so I can always wear shorts/skirts even when overweight. Disguising a tummy is hardest, but darker shirts help, not too tight, and no tucking in - plus blazers or jackets. If you are only 10-15 lbs away you can lose that in no time, in the meantime choose some clothes that will help you feel better about yourself. With pregnancy weight it takes time to get it off and as you'll find things aren't quite the same, with lots of work though you'll get back to almost "normal..."
  • Nope, second baby. The first one I lost it all quickly since it was a difficult baby. My second slept all the time so I sat on my butt watching to many movies, and now regretting it!
    I started weight watchers in the fall but found it hard to calculate my points because of stuff I ate (like homemade casseroles or skillets that were made with a bunch of everything) and core plan bans food that would make it too hard for me.
    I just have to do more excercise and get more willpower not to eat "bad" foods.
  • I like the more flexible diets, creating my own with a combination of books like Superfoods Diet - you don't count calories as much as you watch your portions and make meals with the best foods possible. Or you can count calories too of course, your recipe books should show you the calories in your food you are cooking right? And if you have to, buy a small food scale so you can weigh what you are eating - it's a little obsessive but I didn't know what portion sizes really were, like 4 oz of meat, I was eating double what I should have been. It's hard with kids because they like mac & cheese, etc. I have to basically cook two meals, one for my boy, and one for me. Or I cut the carbs with my own meals and have just the meat and veggies while I'll mix his with macoroni, etc.
  • And this is my problem, on the weekend I made mac and cheese for the kids with the goal in mind for me to have tomato soup, well once it was made, it looked so good I caved and had a plate of the mac and cheese. Lack of will power is my huge problem. Once I eat it, I feel bad, regret and promise myself better control but then I "fall of the wagon" Today I joined this forum hoping it's the final push to lose the weight before I have to go to spring clothes. I am working so if I don't lose weight, I'll have no choice but to buy "fat clothes" Yikes.
  • Spring has already *sprung* here. Had a couple of nearly 80 degree days last week. My silver car has turned a pitiful "pollen-yellow".

    I changed closets in FEBRUARY to get the fall/winter out of the way & make room for the spring/summer. Problem is, NOTHING fits anymore.

    I am snug (very snug!) in my size 14 jeans. I have plenty of size 10's waiting in a storage box... just waiting there for me to enjoy... someday.

    But I will not let my fat change my lifestyle! - I LOVE going to the beach, swimming, hiking, sunning. I have a new swimsuit (bought it on-line) & it's cute as it can be... altho, yes, size 14. All my swimsuits of 2 years ago (8's & 10's) are in the very very very VERY back of the closet. I am hoping to at least be in a 12 by actualy summertime (June)... surely I can lose ONE SIZE in three months! and... I am hoping by the end of the summer... say mid-September, I will be in my size 10's.

    Here's to hoping! (and wishing... and praying... and dreaming... )
  • Well good luck to you and all. I know what you mean, I miss my size 8's... And to think I thought I was over weight then!
  • I bought some Target skirts after my fourth child was born two springs ago. They were cotton, stretchy and completely comfortable. I am still wearing them. I look forward to getting back into my old clothing--
    thank you 3fc for creating this vehicle!!
    Instead of snacking at work I cruise this site.
  • isn't it funny/not-so-funny how what used to be fat clothes can become goal clothes??
  • Yeah...kinda of funny about fat clothes being goal clothes now. I am still pulling out stuff from the early to mid 90's thinking, "yeah...i remember how when i bought this and took a picture in it, i thought i was fat....now i think i look hot!!". Funny huh??? But still...something i am enjoying doing. I am kinda of looking forward to buying some new summer clothes. I really, really want to lose my belly by bathing suit time...but i am still very happy with how far i have come so far.
  • In the past that is how it has been for me. I used to dread buying spring/summer clothes. Nothing ever fit right or looked good. It was always a real hit to my ego.

    But this year I am trying to look at it in another way. I am using the clothes as inspiration. As motivation.

    But, since I don't know what size I will be then (all I know is I will be smaller) I am not going crazy buying things. I did buy my dream bathing suit, and one cute top, and am looking foward, for the first time, to warmer weather.