40 gone pics

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  • I took some pictures of myself yesterday, 40 gone, and they are up on my blog if anyone would like to see

    Thanks you guys for all the support!
  • HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow. Honestly, it took my breath away. Seriously, though, it looks like you dropped twice that much.

    GOOD JOB!!!
  • Oh wow Lyn! I tried to post on your blog but needed an account. Anyway I just wanted you to know how amazing you look! Your waist is just whittled away! What a difference - you must feel amazing too! Your whole body has just shrunken! I bet if your head was in that shot we'd have seen a huge grin too Good on you! Keep up the good work and thanks for inspiring all of us losers!
  • Wow!!
    You look fabulous! It really looks like you lost a lot more weight than 40lbs.

    about "carrying the weight well." I hear that a lot myself and laugh everytime. How does anyone really carry 270+ well?!?!

  • Wow, you look great, I started out just about the same weight as you were, this is definitely giving me some motivation!
  • LYNN

  • Lyn, you look so good! What great motivation to keep going. Congrats girl!

    Just curious, how long did it take?
  • Lois, I started in August, so it took about 7 months. I did not lose any weight in December or January, but just kept plugging along.
  • Wow!!! You look great. It looks like you've lost a lot more! Keep going and congratulations!
  • Awesome job!!!!! What a big difference!!! Keep up the excellent work!!
  • you look fantastic and are an inspiration to a newbie like me!
  • WOW!! What an awesome difference!! You look great!
  • I laughed out loud when I read "I think I can see a difference"

    Not laughing at you, I know the feeling VERY well...not being able to see the differences in yourself.


    It is PLAINLY obvious that you've lost a whole lot, and if I didn't know the number, I would guess about 75!

    You look gorgeous...and I'd love to see you with a head next time

  • You look great! Thanks for motivating me today!

  • WOW! Huge difference, I can't believe it's only 40lbs--you look INCREDIBLE!