Meatloaf Muffins

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  • Some of my friends doing WW-at-home came up with this. It's based on a more time consuming recipe, but this goofy "shortcut" landed up being increadibly fast and really yummy.

    1 lb. of either extra lean (95% lean) ground beef OR 1 lb. ground turkey
    1 box Stove Top Stuffing - Herb Flavored
    1 C hot water

    Crunch up the stuffing, pour the water over, and mix well. Pack into 12 greased muffin cups. Bake at 400 F for 25-30 minutes.

    Makes 12 - only 2 points each!!!

    I top mine with a teaspoon or two of ketchup.
  • sounds yummy! I'm going to make some of these up for my bulk meals this week. THANKS!
  • We are making these for dinner tonight! I'm super excited! I couldn't find Stove Top Herb Stuffing so I bought Cornmeal flavoured. I think it might add an extra kick.
  • Quote: We are making these for dinner tonight! I'm super excited! I couldn't find Stove Top Herb Stuffing so I bought Cornmeal flavoured. I think it might add an extra kick.
    I have made these several times. My kids & I love love love them!!! :-)
  • I make this too, I also chop up a small onion and small green pepper and add it in as well. It adds more flavor and more filling which = more food!
  • I just made these for dinner-SO GOOD! I couldnt find the herb stuffing either, so i tried the cornbread mix and it was great!
  • Yep, these are a hit among everyone that I know that tries them. My recipe is the same, but it calls for 2 egg whites as well (to hold them together better I guess).
  • OMG, I made these last night but because it was so hot, I cooked them in the muffin tins on my gas grill. I made them with onion and mushroom. They were AWESOME!!!!!
  • Just made these; tasted great!
  • Made these this weekend and they turned out AWESOME! I didn't care for the Herb stuffing, would use the new reduced sodium chicken dressing from Stove Top. I added diced bell pepper, onion and a little minced garlic. My husband LOVED these so much he went on and on about these to his parents and sister this weekend! I also used the tip of putting a tablespon of ketchup on the top! Perfect!
  • I made them, too, and they were awesome.
  • Oh man I think I will be making these
  • Definitely making these next week. Very easy and I love metloaf!
  • i love, love, love these! So good! i like to have them with skinny mashed potaotes and some green beans! delish!
  • mmm sounds like somethiing I need to try.