Cracked Rib, Can't Work Out!!

  • ARGH! This afternoon at work I was in the music teachers room and tripped over a chair like the clutz I am and slammed on top of the piano. I felt a crunch and achey pain in my bottom right side, went to the doctor and I have a cracked rib!!! My doctor said she doesn't want me running or doing pilates for a MONTH! She says I need to let my body heal right now and if I don't let it then in future I will be in more pain and won't be able to work out at all. I am worried I am going to gain the weight back! Does anyone know what I can do?
  • I would ask her if you could still at least do some strength training exercises.
  • Sorry to hear about your accident! I broke my leg three weeks ago -- three more weeks until the cast's off! I was freaking out and miserable, and then yesterday I decided that I was going to cut myself a break. I'm still thinking about what I'm eating, etc., but I can't be unhappy that I'm not sticking to the plan, or else I'm going to go cuckoo!
  • A MONTH? EEEK! That sucks, I'm really sorry. Be careful out there ladies! I hurt my back last night but hopefully I'll be better in time for the weekend...don't want anyone else to get hurt!
  • (But not too tight! Don't want to hurt that rib anymore!)

    You should ask your doctor if there is any type of exercising that will be safe. But, definitely listen to her. Being healthier means that we need to listen to our bodies when they need time to heal. Also, you don't want to prolong your injuries, or hurt yourself even more. Be patient, be safe.
  • I have been on an exercise ban for some weeks now, and I know it sucks. But maybe try to keep your proteins pretty high so you won't lose so much muscle, but still keep calories fairly low. And ask doc what CAN you do to move. Low fat cottage cheese is good for protein if you do dairy.
  • *hugs* Ouch. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that is! I agree. I would talk to your dr about what you can do, and take it easy in the meantime.
  • Oh wow! I've heard that is really painful.

    Is it possible to do water aerobics? Perhaps that will make it less stressful on your body.

    If not, then take a month off. Maybe you could walk in place while watching TV or something. Make sure to listen to your body though. Just be super careful with what you are eating and you'll be fine I am sure.

    Get better soon!!!
  • oh that sucks!! I have been sick and haven't worked out in 6 days and that is freaking me out. I am sorry that you have to take so much time off. It just goes to show that life happens even when dieting. Why can't life be more helpful?
  • Thanks so much for all the suggestions! I'm going to take a week off and then try walking instead of running. It's not just the weight loss I am worried about, I just really miss that great feeling I have after a run. But, I also miss the feeling of an uncracked rib! LOL. Thanks for the support!