Feb starters where art thou??

  • hi everyone!

    is it just me or am i the only one left doing phase one??? what happened to all you late february starters?? it seems the thread has just dried up..i feel so adrift and alone (jus' kiddin) but would like to hear how you all got through P1 and how much you've lost etc.
  • Hmmmmm. I'm sure you are not alone. Perhaps you'd like to start a March Phase I Thread?
  • hi ruth

    thx for the reply..as a total online community greenhorn i am not exactly sure how to go about communicating.. feeling a bit like a fish out of water here maybe i will just lurk and observe for a bit more before i get the courage to start a thread.
  • janda, you can always chat with us on the daily thread too!
  • Starting a Phase I March Thread right now!

    Here's the link!
  • Second time around: MIssion Accomplished!
    Yesterday ended my second go-round with Phase 1. I was all ready to go to a Sunday afternoon concert with my DH and we stopped by Wal-mart on the way to "pick up a few things".

    I hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary than I have been eating since January 1st but all of a sudden I had uncontrolable diarhea(hope no one is eating while they are reading this!). Not to scare off any one because this did not happen to me at all when I did Phase 1 before on January 1st. Well, after 45 minutes in the women's bathroom cleaning myself up and having both DH and the maintenance guy guard the door, I decided against the concert and my DH went alone.

    Needless to say, I lost the 9 lbs that I had regained when I went back to MN to see my critically ill mom a few weeks ago. I am still feeling pretty weak although I did consume a lot of fluids last night to "refill the tank", so to speak.

    We're here, jandaman, sorry you didn't catch my posting. I post multiple times almost every other day. Hope things are going well for you but you will find me back over on Phase 2, although I will read the March start up and offer any encouragement that you might need.

    Keep going, chickie, we're here for you!