WATP March Chat

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  • I hope it's ok that I started this. I had a bad last week of Feb and wanted to jump into the next month.

    I just finished some chest exercises with my 3 pound hand weights and as soon as my laundry is done (in about 10 minutes) I am going to push myself. I have my 5 mile advanced dvd, stretchie, ab belt, hand weights, and tennis shoes waiting for me and then when I'm done with that I'm doing the 3 mile weight loss walk. I thought it was too easy before so I bought 3 pound hand weights and am going to see if I like it any better that way. If not, it will be a good cool down.

    What weight do you use for hand weights when doing the videos? I didn't get Leslie's I just got some Reebok ones from target with removable hand things. LOL. Sorry, can't think of what they are called. I had 2 pound ones when I was in high school but I can't find them anywhere. I thought 3 would be a little bit more of a push anyway. Or should I have gotten 5? Is that too much? I guess I'll start with these and see where I should go from there.
  • WOW, I've been absent from this forum for a couple weeks. I have been doing Leslie's workouts pretty much every day I dont' make it to the gym and lately I've only been getting to the gym once a week. lol I got a few new Leslie DVDs yesterday and I have a couple more on the way. Did the Walk Slim 4 Really Big Miles this morning. Killer workout! I loved it, it went by so quickly too.

    Lynsey, I don't have the weights that Leslie uses. I use dumbbells. Depending on my mood and energy level, I'll use either my 2, 3 or 5 pound weights during the workouts. I think it would be wise to start low and work your way up to heavier weights. You may find that the 3s are enough to start with and later bump up to 5s. Good luck!

  • Got all 8 miles done! I was getting a side ache about mile 4 but I kept pluggin along. Mile 5 and then mile 1 of the 3 mile really helped me get back my energy so I was ready for that busy second mile.
  • Oh, and I think I'm going to go for 100 miles in march! I better make a new ticker!
  • Heather, did you order the Walk Slim 4 Really Big Miles from Leslie Sansone's website? I've been watching it on Amazon (they have it listed for $11.99 (ETA: today (3/2) they have it listed for $9.99 instead of $11.99 on pre-order) and they say it will be available on May 6, 2008. It's great to have your review of it because I wasn't sure I wanted to order it or not. Thanks!

    Lynsey, I use 3 and 5 pound weights. I usually start off with the 3 pound weights, then when she says to pick up the weights, then I switch to the 5 pound weights. Something in one of my wrists really starts hurting if I use 5 pound weights throughout a really long workout, but that could be an "old age" thing (I'm 57). Anyway, if I can, with almost every workout I do, I use weights the entire time (except if it is a stretchie or walk belt workout). Congrats for getting through 8 miles!! Thanks for starting the March thread.

    I'm not sure which one I'm going to do today...maybe 1 (or 2) of my new ones!!! I'll report back later.

    Have a great weekend fellow walkers!
  • Cheree, I did order the video from Leslie's website. I ordered that one and 3 others all at the same time, while the site was offering free shipping, but before Amazon dropped the prices of all the Leslie videos. I did however, order a couple more from Amazon this weekend. I'll tell you this, the Really 4 big miles is a FAST workout. The first mile is 15 minutes, the second is 12 minutes, the third is 10 minutes and is half jogging (which is one of the big reasons I LOVE it) and the forth is approx 15 minutes and uses the stretchie band and involves the cool down walking plus it also has a long stretching segment at the end. Definitely worth the money!
  • I want that one BAD! I bought it on ebay and then the guy told me 3 weeks later that it wouldn't be available until May. I didn't want to wait. Now I can't find it anyway.
  • On Amazon it's still on preorder status. I got it directly from Leslie's site. Weird that it would be available on site but not another. *shrugs*
  • Thank you for starting this thread. Of course it is OK. Why would you think it isn't?

    I now know why I've been so tired. I have a cold. I did not get the achy feelings before hand like I normally do with a cold. This just came on me. I'm so happy to have whatever Walmart's brand of Puff's Plus is. Even with those, my nose is raw.

    Cher, if I don't feel better, I may cancel BBQ this week. I don't want to give you whatever it is that I have. We'll see by Tues. I'm sorry.

    Needless to say, I'm not working out until I can go more than 5 minutes without a tissue in my face. I'm sooooo happy for Shower Soothers. I feel like taking a shower every few hours just to get that stuff in my lungs. Funny thing is, this is a head cold, not chest, but the Soothers help anyway with opening the breathing passages.
  • Mare, I hope you feel better soon! Rest up and take care of yourself. Shower soothers are WONDERFUL!

    Have any of you done Leslie's 4 Fast miles? OMG! I love it... all the running is awesome! I know I say this everytime I try a new Leslie video, but I think this will become my favorite one, I'll probably do this one a couple of times each week! Loved the jogging!
  • Well, everyone must have been very busy this weekend! Yesterday was our son's 12th birthday. We spent much of the morning shopping and then he chose our lunch destination (Olive Garden). We did a bit more shopping, but had to get back because he had a friend spend the night. I got no workout done, as a result of being BANNED to the office or my bedroom.

    This morning, I decided that I was going to workout regardless! I hopped on the treadmill and walked for an hour! That's 3.33 miles. Not as fast as I'd like, but an 18 minute mile isn't bad.

    I HAVE to get back to walking in the morning. I'm just not sure HOW to fit it in. I'm leaving Wednesday after school for a professional conference in Detroit and won't be back until later on Sunday. I don't know what kind of time I'll have, but I'll TRY to fit in some formal fitness. Then, the week of March 16 we are going to Washington DC for a family vacation. I KNOW I won't have time for formal fitness, but I don't think getting walking in will be a problem! We don't have a rental car, so we'll walk everywhere!

    Sorry to ramble! Just trying to get back into the routine of reporting in!

    Happy Sunday!

  • Did another 7 miles this morning.

    I started with the second mile of the 3 mile weigh loss walk. So I just did the last 2 on that dvd.

    Then I did the whole 5 mile challenge walk. I used the 3 # hand weights on miles 1,2 and 4. I sweat more than I ever have doing one of her workouts. It was nuts. Doing the claps during the side steps was murder with the weights.

    I also did some chest exercises (I found them in a magazine....supposed to lift your chest) and a bunch of different arm exercises with my weights this morning while I drank my coffee. I can't decide if my arms will be bigger or smaller the next time I measure. I'm hoping for the latter first. Get rid of some of the hangy down stuff. LOL!

    Also, I just noticed that there is a 5 mile challenge and 5 mile advanced walk on the 5 mile video. Is there any difference besides the fact that they mark the miles beforehand on the advanced? It looked the same just flipping through but I've always done the challenge walk.
  • Pulling this one up so we'll be posting on the March thread.

    Cbmare - sorry about your cold!!! I hope you are feeling better. Let me know if you're up for lunch or not this week...to be honest, I don't mind that you have a cold (I seem to be immune to colds ... *knock on wood*), but you may not feel like getting out. I'll wait to hear from ya. If we get some Mexican food, maybe something hot will help clear up your sinuses (or some hot Bar-b-que).

    Heather, I did Walk Slim - 4 Fast Miles for the first time this afternoon! I really liked it and the "boosted walking" is great! (I have to think "boosted walking" instead of jogging...mentally, I do better LOL!) It's going to be a new favorite of mine too now.

    Lynsey, you're a walking machine!!

    I went ahead and pre-ordered Walk Slim - 4 Really Big Miles from Amazon, they have it for $9.99 now. If it goes up in price, then I'll still be charged $9.99, if it goes down when it ships, I'll be charged the lower price (also, keep duplicates in your "save for later" area because if the price goes down within 30 days after your purchase, you can call and get credited the difference...if you weren't already aware of that.)

    Walk on!
  • I really like the Walk and Kick, Walk the walk and Muscle mile one lately. I go from on to the other lol. Time to start at the beginning again and work my way through them. I do the walk the walk everyday. I find it not only a nice workout but inspirational. I don't do anywhere near as much as you all do. Once in awhile I do a three mile but generally it is 2 two miles videos a day. About 80 miles a month and about 9 hours resistance training a month. You all must be getting in great shape.

    Walk the walk 2 mile 35 min
    Walk and kick 2 mile 32 min
    watp for the abs 10 min
    fast start fast firming 26

    103 min 1 hour 43 min
  • Shy, it sounds like to me that you're doing quite a bit. Also, I think I read that you were losing 2 pounds a week on average, so whatever you're doing sounds like it is working for you. In order for me to lose any weight, I have to more because my metabolism is sluggish (and I need to build up my overall muscle mass and be less % body fat)... I'm not doing near as much as others here are though!!