Hi all new here

  • Hi My name is Jen I am 28 and am a nurse.I have 4 boys ages 11-9-8-6 yeah busy busy.I also have a wonderful supportive husband.I am looking for support for the first time since starting my weight loss.

    I began my diet a year ago after seeing pictures of myself (yes I knew I needed to lose weight) I was actually disgusted I didnt have a scale so I went out and bought one I cried when I got on it 193 lbs.I guess for me it wasnt sudden I gained a little with each child and I just bought the next size up in clothes not even because I needed to but to be comfortable.Eventually I needed to be comfortable again lol.Anyways so I decided then and there that I had had enough.I started very strict diet excersise program and stuck to it I lost 1-2 pounds a week wrote it down every sunday and even got through holidays continuing to lose weight.My lowest was 143 and I loved every minute of it!

    I dont know why maybe cause I never set a goal wt or because I was in smaller clothes than I thought I would be I guess I lost the motivation.I thought I was safe and could resume "normal diet".So I ate a little more little more snacking not as healthy.I maintained my wt for so long even with this "new" diet I wasnt scared.Then the excersise dropped lower and lower.I put on a couple pounds no big deal I could lose it in a week.Then a couple more pounds again I could lose in a week lol.Needless to say I found myself on scale at 155.So......Im back on the wagon so to speak and I have learned a valuable lesson it will always be a lifestyle change not a diet.I honestly feel better already back on treadmill eating right its like ridding yourself of poisons.So I have lost 4 of those pounds and have a new goal.This time I am not going to be alone with this.That is why I am here I hope to help others and find friends who struggle just like me.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you and your stories!!!

  • Yes yes yes... we have to come to the conclusion that this is FOREVER. You've lost a great amount of weight so congrats ^^ Jump on in and keep us updated on how you're doing!

    Best of success!!!
  • Hey Jen -

    Wow, what tremendous success so far!

    You may want to visit our "Featherweights" forum - for those with less left to go than others, which fits you quite well.

    You know what you've got to do, and since you've done it before, you know how to do it. My advice is just to settle in and keep moving forward...you'll be at goal before you know it.

    Can't wait to get to know you better!
  • Welcome, Jen!
    Yes, that weight can creep back on pretty quickly. I know it.
    You're doing so well, though, and you're back on track... good for you!