Back AGAIN!!! stay hopefully.

  • Hey everyone. I have not been a line very much at all and I was reading postings today and feeling very happy and jealous to hear and see everyone's progress and happiness. I first and foremost am very happy. The jealousy is harmless and it is only because yet again I have encountered another pot hole in my health.

    I had my Lap Band surgery on 12-31-07. It was the easiest surgery that I have ever had. I had started working out and was walking about 45 minutes a day on the treadmill waiting to get the ok from my surgeon to start more intense workouts. About a week before I was due to return to work I was having a pain in my stomach. It was below my port sight and I thought it was when I would bend but ending up being constant and pain medication wasn't giving me any relief. I called the surgeon on call and he basically said it was my choice to go to the ER. I decided that I should go instead of holding out and having to return to work and then something really being wrong.

    The short story of the hospital is that where I was having this intense pain they could not find anything. After the x-ray and cat-scan a surgeon informed me that UNRELATED to why I had gone to the hospital they noticed a foreign object deep in my stomach by my bowel. The surgeon stated that it appeared it was something that could have been left in my stomach from a previous surgery. They gave me the choice to go home or to get admitted. Of course I am not going to leave. My surgeon came to see me and stated that the foreign object may not be bothering me now but could cause me problems in my future. They still had no idea about the area that I was complaining about even though my skin was red and it felt like a mass. Then I had the decision to go home or have my surgeon removed the foreign object now. Why would I want to go back to work and completely heal then have to have another stomach surgery, so I opted to have it taken care of.

    The surgery went awfully. They ended up having to open me up, my bowels would not wake up and they threatened me with a NG tube because I was vomiting, my incision got infected and they ended up taking the staples out and packing my wound (8inches wide and 3 1/2 deep.) I finally after two weeks went home with this open wound and have been in tense pain ever since. My mother changes my packing twice a day and I go to the surgeon once a week.

    I am waiting for all my records and have the peice that was removed from my stomach. The doctor was accusing me of eating metal or roofing material at first and supposedly it was vegetable material. The whole story was "shady."

    I have been at home, no fill, no working out, and not at work. It has been this up hill battle and I am so far behind my "plan" and schedule.

    Guess this was my little venting thread. I hope to join everyone in the journey to health and happiness.

    PS ... I am truly happy for everyone that is on track and happy
  • Oh honey!!!!!! what an ordial!!!!!! What was left behind in the end? did they find what the "red and swollen mass" was? Was is related to the thing left behind?

    Oh I am so sad that the whole thing happened that way...I am not the kind to jump in and sue someone, but Gez, this might be a good thing to look into!

    I hope that you get back to feeling 100% very very very soon!

  • OMGOOOOSH that is horrible. I'm so glad your home and recooping...geese.

    I just can't get this statement out of my head "The doctor was accusing me of eating metal or roofing material" WTH????? did they tell you exactly what it was ??? did he really think you would eat this stuff? you poor dear.

    Rest up !!

  • what in heavens name is going on here??????????? we gotta find out. this is BIZARRE!!!!!
  • this is so bizarre. i too ended up in the emergency room last friday. i had started to have pain in the area under my port. they did cat scans and everything and gave me a pain pump it was so bad. i was in the hospital all weekend and finally he said he thinks it was a colon infection and since they had treated me with antibiotics the whole time i was in the hospital that it was gonna be okay. i still dont think they knew what it was . this happended two weeks after my band.
  • had you had any surgeries before the lap band??
  • yes i have had my gallbladder, tonsils and 2 c sections
  • Omg!!!!
    I'm so sorry for all of your pain and troubles. I'm a nurse and all I can say is *%$#!) doctors. Almost every doctor I have worked with is reputable, but there are a few.......... Hope you are your road to recovery. The open wound thing is a pain in the neck, I know! Just get plenty of rest and fluids. Give your mom a hug for me. This can't be that easy on her either! My thoughts are with you.
  • I'm so sorry for you!
    Dh had knee surgery a few years ago that got life-threateningly infected. It was supposed to have been a simple arthroscopy. He was in the hospital for nine days after a second surgery and then had to be on IV antibiotics for 6 weeks. Fortunately he had a ton of sick days. The point being, that lots of doctors seem great until problems pop up and then they seem to cover up for each other instead of doing what's best for the patient. Even our family doctor that we'd been going to for eons didn't really stand up and help. You really have to be your own advocate but some doctors think the person with the body in pain doesn't know a thing.

    I hope things get better for you soon!
  • Thanks for all your replies. Yeah the comment about eating the metal and roofing material had pissed me off. I explained that those objects were not on my lap band diet so I stayed away from choosing them as options for meals???? I know I obviously have not made the right choices towards my diet but please!!!

    The pathology report stated that it was vegetable material. How metal went to vegetable??? I have been referred to a lawyer and was waiting for all of my hospital records. I did take the foreign object home with me and it doesnt look like metal. Wish I could have had family in the surgery room to monitor but we all know that is not realistic.

    Yeah this open wound is just AWFUL! I do appreciate my mother and have always. I could never have changed it on my own. I did go to the doctor yesterday and it appeared to be a good check up. I do not have to go back for two weeks instead of next week. I will be going next week anyway because I will finally get my first fill ... YEAH I need to get back to the treadmill which is a very hard task.

    Thanks again all
  • We are a line of people shouting encouragement behind you! When you're ready, Hit that treadmill and show it who's boss!

    I have a friend who had nasty, open wounds like that and I can tell you, she's all healed now and has gone back to a normal life. There's HOPE!

    Hugs for you redE

  • I'm so sorry you've been having troubles! I'd definitely consult a lawyer!!
  • Wow that's terrible what kind of vegetable material could do all that?? This is just the craziest story.
    And Thank god for mom's they can handle the worst stuff!!
  • Just wanted to say THANKS to you all!!!