Im sorry, did you say TOLERANT?

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  • So... I was reading a book yesterday....
    It's about a woman who is finding herself and getting fit, yadda yadda.
    I wasn't really reading it for inspiration or anything, it's a nice story.

    Anyways, she gets rid of the man who treated her badly, and falls in love with "Mr Right." She is self conscious w/the new guy, so he tells her about his deceased wife. Apparently his wife had weight trouble and couldn't get under a size 14. He says he learned to be tolerant. His new girlfriend finds this very comforting and they live happily ever after.

    I was thinking about this all night. I know it's just a book, but it was driving me nuts.

    The guy's wife was a size 14 and he learned to tolerate her??

    He is the one who saves the day ??

    Not exactly my idea of Price Charming
  • Hrm, when you put it like that... He's not MY Prince Charming, for sure.

    I don't need to be "tolerated", I need someone to be enamored with me! (Yes, I have high expectations ^^)
  • I'm a size 16 right now, and my husband is just crazy about me. He's nervous that I'm losing weight because he's afraid my boobs will go away! =) But I think he'll like the new, healthier me too.
  • Let me know what book it is so I can give it a wide berth
  • When my boyfriend met me, I was 30 pounds heavier. He thought I was pretty hot then When I decided to start slimming down, he supported me 100% and has told me that if I was hot before, I'm on fire now. He's happy for my accomplishments, and a slimmer, sexier body is exciting for both of us--he's as excited as I am about me reaching my goal. However, I'm glad to know that he's loves me both ways--heavier and slimmer. And he's never been pushy about my losing weight, or derogatory when I fail. He's an encouragement and I love him for it.

    That said, I don't know how well I'd "tolerate" a man who merely "tolerated" my physical appearance.
  • You have to love books like that, Isn't it fabulous that she was TOLERATED?? I'm suprised they even let her leave the house in the book! lol Blah, the truth is, if you are confident in who you are there will always be a man out there lol But, being a fat girl I "must be" biased LOL Usually against book burning, however, sounds therapuetic
  • Quote: When my boyfriend met me, I was 30 pounds heavier. He thought I was pretty hot then When I decided to start slimming down, he supported me 100% and has told me that if I was hot before, I'm on fire now. He's happy for my accomplishments, and a slimmer, sexier body is exciting for both of us--he's as excited as I am about me reaching my goal. However, I'm glad to know that he's loves me both ways--heavier and slimmer. And he's never been pushy about my losing weight, or derogatory when I fail. He's an encouragement and I love him for it.

    That said, I don't know how well I'd "tolerate" a man who merely "tolerated" my physical appearance.

    I also wanted to mention what a great pic that is of you! You are so pretty!
  • Quote: I'm a size 16 right now, and my husband is just crazy about me. He's nervous that I'm losing weight because he's afraid my boobs will go away! =) But I think he'll like the new, healthier me too.
    Well, let's hope he's "tolerant" of that. LOL Had it happen. I didn't WANT to lose weight THERE! Whaaaaaa I'm always reminded of that SlimQuick commercial. The one where she introduces her and her husband Ted. She was fat and unhappy, he was fat and happy, so they both went on a diet and Ted lost weight and was happy, and her boobs shrunk...and now they're both unhappy.
  • Man I love that commercial. And that whole tolerant bull plop is depressing. It's also why I have a hard time with some weight loss shows. I want a man that will love me at 300 pounds, covered in acne and constantly flatulent. I also want a pony and all my debt to go away.
  • Tolerant, thats crazy. When I met my bf I weighed 50 lbs less and was a size 10 and now I am heavier and a size 16 and guess what he still loves me no matter what and thinks I'm beautiful. True love doesn't see weight, beauty is there no matter what size you are and "Mr. Right" will see that.
  • There have been some really good "curvy girl" novels. Bridget Jone's Diary is the only one that pops into my head by name, but to me, it sure sounds like some "skinny" author tried to jump on the "fat girl" literary bandwagon and ended up showing his/her ignorance.
  • When was this book written?
    Is the author female or male?
  • I have noticed that men who don't like "fat chicks" are usually sporting a beer belly.
  • Quote: I have noticed that men who don't like "fat chicks" are usually sporting a beer belly.
    Ain't that the sad truth.
  • Im so glad you ladies agree with me!
    I really liked the story, but that one line ruined it for me.

    It's Called "PRETTY WOMAN" by Fern Michaels.
    Looks like it's pretty recently written, 2006.