My Top Ten Reasons to Lose it and Keep it Off!

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View Poll Results: When you lose weight, have you noticed that someone you know starts gaining weight?
Yep - It's so weird
Nope - not really
Oh my gosh - I have to post a message about this!
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 20. You may not vote on this poll
  • Hey everyone,

    I shared this Top Ten List with a diet buddy and I want to share it with all of you -- hoping to share continuing motivation and inspiration.

    Since my teen days, I remember thinking of dieting as a temporary fix, and keeping that uninformed mindset into my thirties and forties. Well, they say that the universe shows you the same lesson until you get it! I can wholeheartedly say that I got it now. Being on the South Beach has taught me discipline with all of those things that I used to scarf down my throat! Bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes were my biggest downfalls. Those first two weeks you have to give those up and it was hardcore discipline for someone like me!

    What do you mean a half cup of rice is 1 serving?! I'm Spanish, and every Spanish person I know fills their dinner plate half full of rice! That's got to be about a cup and a half or two!!

    Is it any wonder that all of that rice caught up with me?

    Well, without further delay, here are my TOP 10 reasons to go the distance and beyond this time:

    1. It hurts my knees!

    2. Embarrassed to get out of breath on one flight of stairs (and fake breathing normally when I'm ready to gasp for breath!)

    3. Clothes Shopping - tired of scouring stores for clothes that resemble something other than a box figure!

    4. Because of #3, feeling frumpy and unsexy

    5. Under all of my layers - I'm a social butterfly at heart, trapped inside the window -- and I want to be free, I want to want to socialize again!

    6. It hurts my knees

    7. I'm tired of being the biggest person in the room with my family or group of friends.

    8. Want to stop feeling horrible about my weight - and have a weight I feel good about.

    9. Want to feel comfortable, energetic, sexy again with my husband (intimately).

    10. IT HURTS MY KNEES! Sheesh!

    A toast, TO US - to every pound we've shed and will shed.

    Cheers (clink)


  • heeeheeee! :taking a bow:

    Thanks Faerie :-)
  • Ahh! I forgot the toast!!!

  • Hope you don't mind if I add my top 10!
    First of all congratulations on "seeing the lighter side". I hope you not only succeed in your own life but continue to be an inspiration by spreading around what you know about how "DIET is a four-letter word" and this takes LIFESTYLE CHANGE! Anyone who understands that (IMO) is half way there!

    My top tens looks like this, I want to go the distance and beyond because:

    #10 - Being obese hurts my back!

    #9 - I want to look nice in a bathing suit (not looking for Batwatch here...but just nice)!

    #8 - I want to teach my already teenaged daughter that you can change your life at any point and live healthy!

    #7 - I want to feel sexier!

    #6 - I am going to love shopping for cute outfits in a size 8!

    #5 - I don't want to be obese anymore!

    #4 - I'm tired of being the largest of all of my friends!

    #3 - I won't feel like I have to "suck in" when I'm supposed to be relaxing during a massage (be it from a professional or my SO)

    #2 - I want to not only be around long enough to see my grandchildren, but also to play an "active" roll in their lives...I want to be able to chase them around the backyard

    #1 - I want to LOOK like the princess I FEEL like in my wedding dress!

    I'd love to hear other people's top tens as well!

    Cheers, Tamara
  • BruniQ said:

    7. I'm tired of being the biggest person in the room with my family or group of friends.

    I read this and thought--Wow! someone else does this too.

    Anytime I went somewhere before I started losing weight, I would scan the room to see if I was the biggest person there. Usually, yes. If I wasn't, it was like a sigh of relief. If I was the biggest, I couldn't enjoy whatever I was doing because I felt like a spotlight was shining down on my head.

    While I still have a lot of weight loss to go, I don't find myself doing this anymore.

    Love your top ten list. Really hit home for me.
  • clink! :-)
  • Hi tleef,

    I don't mind at all, in fact, I welcome everyone -- I love your #1 -- so sweet, and ditto to #9 - though I really can't imagine it right now :-)

    hang in there, you can do it!

    TO US!

  • hi lisa,

    that's what I love about 3FC -- the realization that we are not alone... and that in itself goes such a long way to helping us succeed in this quest.

    I love your mini goal ticker -- great idea. I'm gonna borrow it if you don't mind! :-)

    We are doing this - and we're going the distance!

    To US!

  • You have inspired me to make my own list...Thanks and cheers!!
  • i like this thread. here's my list.

    10) being overweight hurts my knees and ankles

    9) i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired

    8) i want shopping to be a fun experience again

    7) i'm tired of listening to myself complain about my weight

    6) i want to look the same as the way i see myself in my mind

    5) i want my life to be an adventure. not a game of avoidance.

    4) i love myself enough to do it and i deserve to be happy

    3) i want to shock and impress my doctor at my checkup in 6 months

    2) i want to look good in clothes again, not hide in them

    1) did i mention i deserve to be happy? cause i do!
  • I love this! Here's my Top 10:

    1) Being comfortable with myself

    2) Being Healthy

    3) Getting rid of my back pain

    4) Not shopping in the Plus Size section

    5) I want to be more active with my kids

    6) I want to WOW my husband (kind of shallow, I know)

    7) I want to go on vacation without worrying about wearing a bathing suit

    8) Break the cycle of overweightness in my family

    9) Teach my kids healthy habits

    10) Get any haircut I want without worrying how it will make my body look

    These aren't in any specific order. I want to achieve all of them.

  • hey taking back the trump card,

    I'm so glad! Please share with us when you complete it!

  • hey polkadotfever, thanks for posting! your #5 is so awesome! "a life of adventure and not of avoidance"! I love it!

    We can do this!

    TO US!

    best, b
  • Hiya Chrissy,

    Thanks for posting! Plus size shopping -- arrggghhhh --- with you all the way.

    #8 - awesome!

    #10 - LOL! I used to love short haircuts but have let my hair grow because my face is TOO round! I look forward to a haircut too!

    #6 - is not shallow -- it's romantic! :-)

    We are doing this!
