Wednesday - halfway through the week!

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  • Morning everyone!
    I made it to yoga this morning so I feel all nicely chilled out. Last night I passed on free wine at my friend's art exhibition cos i had a sore throat, but also cos i really didn't want to blow the points! how good am i?! i'm going to save them to use at the weekend instead. throat is better this morning thankfully. how is everyone else feeling? jen and stacey - you girls were feeling yukky this week as well - hope you're better? oh, and stacey - good luck with giving up chocolate. i'm giving up ice cream. we'll need to encourage either. and yes, folic acid is v good to take before and during pregnancy but i think it's when too much is consumed it can actually cause problems. and lots of manufacturers are considering adding it to foods so that might mean people take more than they should, without realising. it seems that people are suddenly realising that a lot of supplements aren't always good for you. st johns wort and kava being examples. i'm a simple vit C, iron and calcium gal! and it must be a nice chewy orange flavour vitamin!! who all takes vitamin supplements (and what)?
    hi shalyne - what's your puppy called?!
    kay - hooray on your job! it must have been your new haircut that sealed your success!
    hmm, i gotta go work. come out and post and liven up my day!!
  • Good morning Kirsty. I take a multi vitamin for women. Some of the multi-vitamins out there don't even have iron in them, so I looked around for one especially for women. I'm pretty good about taking it. I also add a calcium suppliment because I ahte milk, and so I know I'm not getting the calcium I need on a daily basis.

    Stacey - giving up chocolate is just wrong!!!!! good luck though.

    So - here's a little issue at home. My roommate is getting bitter about my weigh loss. I never thought a friend of mine would get that way. But when I told her I bought a pair of size-12 pants she said "well, I'm sure they just run big." What? okay, thanks for bursting my bubble. But I know it just bothers her that I wear a smaller size than her now. But what's absolutely ridiculous is that she's 5'11". I mean she looks amazing as a size 14. She's so tall, that if she was anything smaller than a 12 she'd look gaunt. I'm 4'10 1/2" so to look as good as she does, I'd have to be a 6. But she's being silly. She's said a few things like "yeah, well you have small bones." yeah, I know I do. I have never implied anything that should make her feel bad about being a size 14. BUt she's constantly defending herself. There's NO NEED. I'm petite in height and bone structure, she's tall. I'm not sure why this bothers her. Then she said that she could fit into a 10 or a 12, but she has to buy 14's so they're long enough. I don't know if there's truth in this... but she's constantly saying stuff like this since Friday. Like it would be the most horrible thing if she wore the same size as me.... I don't understand.

    Hope all of you have a nice day!

  • Lisa - ignore her!! I have friends like that too. They are jealous of you, and insecure about themselves. When I lost weight, one friend in particular kept commenting on it quite negatively. she'd talk about how i used to have great boobs and ask when i was going to stop losing weight and stuff. the ridiculous thing is that she is naturally at least 2 sizes smaller than me, but i think she liked me to be her fat friend. now i've lost weight i'm more of a threat to her in terms of blokes fancying her. before i was blonde, but i was fat. now i'm blonde and slim so people will prefer me to her. at least, that's how i think she sees it. but it's so silly. it sounds like you've got things straight in your head so try not to let her burst your bubble. she's obviously threatened by you becoming slimmer. that's her problem, not yours. obviously if she's a good friend you can do what you have been doing and compliment her, point out you are half her height and that weight is a big struggle for you and that you are jealous of her being slim and tall. she'll come round in the end. and as for her saying she wore bigger sizes for the length, i know that sometimes that is true. but it isn't usually the leg length that is the problem, for me it's the length from belly button to crotch. i hate when trousers/pants are so tight they ride right up your crack (so to speak!). i usually buy mine a size bigger so they sit more on my hips than waist. but she may also be saying it to convince herself and make herself feel better. the sad thing about being tall is that you're always going to weigh more and be a bigger size than everyone else. she just needs to get used to it!
    hope that helps...
  • Colours!!
    If you have a spare moment, you might enjoy picking some colours and hearing what they reveal about you...
  • Hi!
    Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Besides being super busy at work, I have been kind of crabby lately so I haven't felt like being aorund much. I hope it is just a case of the winter blahs because I haven't been able to figure out anything else.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well though.

    Lisa - I agree with everything Kirsty said. IGNORE HER!! I know it is hard because you live with her and as your friend, you want her to be happy for you. But there is always going to be someone that is jealous of your weight loss and cannot figure out a way to be happy for you. And it is ridiculous for her to compare herself to you when you so different. It is her problem, but I am sorry she isn't able to be happy for you.

    Kirsty - Glad the sore throat is feeling better. And good for you for passing up the wine. You have way more will power than me... Did I tell you about the night a few weeks ago when I went out with friends and ended up drinking 7 martinis?! The amazing thing is I was fine the next day. I think my tolerance has become too high and that makes it expensive to go out!

    As for vitamins, I take a multi-vitamin, vitamin E, a B complex and Folic acid. I take different things at different times, depending how I feel. I believe in trying to fix "problems" with vitamins and minerals before running to the doctor for medicine if at all possible. So I read a lot about what supplements are good for.

    Have a good day girls!
  • Kirsty... I did that colorgenics thing last week and it was amazingly true for me. I sent mine to hubby and he was amazed at how true it was. Even my moods were right on it.

    I was even on points again yesterday. YAH... Went to the gym too. I am going to try to get there today again since I can't tomorrow.

    Lisa, I have lost friends over jealousy and it's the pits. Why can't people just be happy for you?? Try to not let it bother you. She may be trying to sabatoge you so that you gain it back, but you can't let that happen. I think the longer you stay happy at this new weight, she will eventually lighten up (or get used to you being smaller).

    Has anyone tried Chai Tea?? I did this weekend and had to buy some. Hate that it is higher in points, but it is soooo good.
  • Oh and I take a multi vitamin and calcium. When I remember to, that is!!

    I try not to overdo it on supplements because of all the problems I have heard. Also, now they are saying that supplements can can cause interactions with other drugs. This is why my doc always asks me what I am taking... always tell your doc everything you take whether it is prescrips, vitamins or supplements!!!
  • Hi everyone!

    How is everyone today? I feel sleepy for some reason. It was so hard ro get up today even though I slept in! For supplements I usually take a multivitamin, calcium with magnesium, & iron. I don't always remember because I try to take them at different times so they're more effective.

    Jess, yes that was in one week. It happened b/c I wasn't following the program very closely since Christmas but I am rededicated & have been following it as strictly as I can.

    Ali, I was so bummed about the skating too. Did you see Elvis last night? Kind of disappointing

    Shalyne, good to see you I noticed it was your birthday last week. Hope you had a great one!

    Belle, glad you stopped by! Btw we sucked it snowboarding-didn't even qualify for the finals in women's. I think you were referring to women's moguls & Jennifer Heil from Edmonton. Her run was so good! She's only 18 so hopefully we can count on her in the future.

    Kay, congrats on finding a job! We knew you could do it! I hope its enjoyable for you.

    Kirsty, I did the colorgenics thing last week too & I couldn't believe how accurate it was! I printed it off to show people & they agree. Cool

    Lisa, that sucks about your friend. In high school I had a friend like that. She was so self-involved & if anything took the spot light off of her she resented it. Hope that your friend gains some confidence so it doesn't bother her as much. Just stay strong & keep it up regardless of what she says.

    JenL, I love Chai! Its tastes so good! At my favorite coffee shop you can get chai lattes & chai steamers! Those are my faves but they are even higher in points!

    JenK, Hope your crabbiness dissipates soon. Its no fun to be grumpy. Did you get someone to sublet your place?

    Anyway I should go! Sorry I didn't answer everyone's posts from yesterday! I can't remember them all. Anyway take care & I'll talk at you later

  • Chai tea... mmmmm
    Jen - I am drinking Chai Tea right now! I love it! Of course, I had no idea that is is higher in points.... I am such a bad WW sometimes!

    Rina - Yes, I did find someone to sublet! Thanks for asking! Actually, he agreed to sign a year long lease so I am totally off the hook, which is great. I move in less than 2 weeks and I am really excited, although a bit nervous...
  • Chai tea is higher in points because it has milk/cream in it. I bought a thingy of it. It is liquid and you mix it with milk. 1 cup is 2 points if made with skim or 1% milk. I usually drink green tea, but this is soo sweet, it hits the spot when I want something hot and sweet.
  • Oh... I'm just using a tea bag that is Chai flavored, so I am assuming it is no points. I've never had the kind made with milk, but I bet it's REALLY good.
  • Kirsty - that's exactly her problem. For the past couple years when we went out she would get all the attention from guys. Now she has to share the attention. I love her to death, but she should be happy for me.

    JenK - good to hear from you. I know what you mean about the winter blahs. I can't wait for spring. Hopefully it will come sooner than later. Good luck with the move!!!

    Jen - You can have chai without the milk too and it's still pretty good. I like it with the milk though... but with a half cup of skim, it's only a point. I LOVE chai tea.

    Rina - I take a time-released multi-vitamin so it's effective. I don't know how it works, but it releases the vitamins throughout the day since you can absorb only so much at a time. It's made by vitamin world. My roommate is a spotlight girl. It's tough. Like we made friends with this guy (and just friends because neither of us are interested in him) - but when he called and talked to me for a while, she got real pissy. She even said to me that it bothered her. Not sure how to go about this, but hopefully it'll settle down. It's just gotten pretty bad lately since I've been losing again.

    Talk to y'all later.

  • I wanna go home!
    Lisa: Keep losing!! Just take her with a grain of salt. She obviously has some 'self' issues and you are the stronger person!!
    I can't respond to everyone, boss is being a real b*&%$ and a$$hole. (both bosses)
    They are loading me with work, so I have to get back!
    I take a women's vitamin and that's it.
  • hey girls
    RINA OMG a 5er! thats fantastic
    Lisa just take comfort in knowing you look Damn good in those size 12s
    Kirsty Yoga sounds fabu I'm might start tai chi next week
    JEN L get the chai tea bags and make it with skim milk its pure unadulterated Sin with alot less pts
    lori did u post a pic of ur dress or a link i'm dying to see it
    one of my very slender friends today told me my arse looked great in this skirt *twirl* sometimes u just got it!
    JenK woohoo on the sublet
    As for Lent and yes i participated in my first pancake tuesday! Crepe (1) with nutella and bananna I dont know what i'm giving up yet but i have been a good WW all day and i tried the WW yogurt here its vEry good!! and 1 pt or a half for raspberry
    Belle i'll be goen before you and bf cmover
    but on the bright note i got twice my refund this semester so me and one of the girls are putting on our travelin gear and pickign somewhere good to go
    Hi stace!
    Hi Tonya !!
    who wants goss?
    ok so lol i have a bit of a rep for being Queen Medb (maeve) and being a bit of a flirt ahem
    annnyway this guy who i have been looking at (crushing on) since the beginning of the academic year and i are going out next week Oh god gorgeous blue eyes and hes perty! lol and im a blathering idiot around him but i asked him out the other day and all he did was grin and say when woowoooo
    so we are going to see oceans 11
    and my arse looks good *Shakesherfinearse*
    I havent done this in a while but damn i'm motivated
    *hums rockythemesong*
  • My chai tea is a mix that is 1 point for the mix and 1 point for the 1/2 cup milk. I will look around for other mixes. This was the first time I bought it.