Flat Belly Diet

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  • A couple of us would like to start a Flat Belly thread, anyone on this plan?

    What is the Flat Belly Diet?

    Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet! is a belly-reduction eating plan that is grounded in the latest and most credible science (that you won’t find anywhere else!)—and offers the most filling, satisfying , and delicious way of eating that you will ever come across.

    The Flat Belly Diet goes beyond food. Any successful diet acknowledges the emotions that are tied to eating. Not only does the Flat Belly Diet deliver a healthy, satisfying way of eating that will rid your body of fat in the place you want to slim down most—your belly—but it will teach you how to WANT to eat this way for life.

  • Hi Bobbi,

    Happy to see you starting this thread.

    I lost 5 lbs. on the jumpstart phase of FBD. I love the foods on the regular eating plan. I didn't buy the book but found all the info I needed by joining the web site for 30 days.

    We are getting ready to move in a few weeks and this is consuming my time and eating has not been on target but I have kept off the 4 to 5 lbs and 1" off my waist. Sorry to say my exercise has been off but I'm trying to get back with that.

    The FBD does promote exercise and has a coach for it but it is not required, it is a heart healthy diet, a life style I can live with.

    Hope we can get a group going here, I have a couple buddies from FBD that I will try to get over here.

  • Phyliss, you have a great start. I'd think all the running and packing would count as exercise. I think what attracted me to this diet is no exercise unless you want to. (I hate exercising) I do the ABC's in the morning with hand weights, that takes all of 3 minutes.
    I lost 6 pounds on the 4 day jumpstart, 5 more when I started on the 28 day program. A total of 11 pounds which averages 1.75 pounds per week. I don't follow their menu anymore, just cook as usual but add my MUFA's at all three meals. I purchased the Flax oil and used it for the jumpstart, now I get my MUFA in with nuts. I've grown to love them on salads. Right now I'm eating SF Chocolate pudding topped with SF cherry pie filling, SF Cool Whip and sliced almonds. I heard from lots of people on the FBD thread about missing their two snacks, I don't miss them at all. I'm never hungry on this plan, must be the MUFA working? Gotta go, catch ya later, Bobbi
  • Great tip for warding off hunger pangs.
    Top YOU Tip #6: Fab Food Combo
    The food duo with the most muscle? Fiber and water. Together they keep your food bulky and soft, so it can move easily through your system without putting too much pressure on your intestines. Remember, without water, fiber often turns to cement.

    The combo of fiber and water also makes you feel full, which helps your overall health, because it keeps you from eating other things that are more likely to lead to problems associated with obesity, like heart disease and diabetes.

    Where to get it? Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oats, beans, and some cereals. Your goal: 25 grams a day for women and 35 grams a day for men. And don’t forget the water.
    Fiber One (14g fiber) and Flat Outs (9g fiber) are two staples I eat daily, don't forget your MUFA's.
  • Whats a MUFA?
  • google Prevention magazine, they will explain MUFA and how it works. Or you could just google Flat Belly Diet.
  • Bobbi,

    I don't think that anyone will find this little group here, is there a different way to advertise we are forming this group?

  • I think you're right! I also don't think enough people know about this diet, it's so new. I'm going to drop the thread, we can still yak about it on the Flat Belly Diet forum.

  • Today was my last day at FBD.....so I guess we can talk about it at GG.

  • O.K. Phyliss, I'll see you on the FBD thread. How much have you lost so far on this plan? I was down another pound since starting, 12 pounds total and I have so much energy!
    Good Luck, Bobbi

    This Tuesday, Prevention's Editor-in-Chief, Liz Vaccariello, and Nutrition Director, Cynthia Sass, RD, share the Flat Belly Diet with Rachael Ray and her studio audience.
  • Thanks for the info

    Quote: google Prevention magazine, they will explain MUFA and how it works. Or you could just google Flat Belly Diet.
  • I think this thread will be a success. I belong to another group on the 3 fat chicks, but came looking for information on the Flat belly diet. Once I figure out the basics I will be starting. Will keep in touch with the group and hopefully we will all succeed.
  • Maybe after the airing yesterday of the Flat Belly Diet on the Rachel Ray show we'll have more interest. I know from other sites that people are having a hard time getting through because of all the interested in it.
    I personally love the plan, I don't following the menu on the FBD site anymore but do include the MUFA's in every meal. I stay in the guidelines they set up for me but do have trouble reaching my calorie goal. They said 1100-1300 calories for my height, frame, age, etc. I am never hungry on this plan and don't always get my calories in. I usually eat some nuts or cereal before going to bed just to get them in. Good luck everyone, after the jumpstart it gets easy.
  • Quote: Bobbi,

    I don't think that anyone will find this little group here, is there a different way to advertise we are forming this group?

    I tend to agree. Since this is a diet-specific group, I think it would be better off in the General Diet Plans forum because that's where people will be looking for info on this diet. I'd like to move your thread there, but don't want to step on any toes.

    You could have a weekly thread in there, they way other diet groups are represented. Check out the Volumetrics, Beck Solution, and SlimFast threads there. It seems like a better and more visible option for the Flat Belly Diet followers