Daily Tuesday Feb. 12th

  • Just starting us up--coffee's on!
  • Busy morning ahead--I have my volunteer time at the daycare I applied to work for and I hope everything goes well. You never know, by the end of the week I may have a new job!

    JHP--thanks for the pm, it really made my day!

    Jenny, I know we have awesome ladies here, why do you think I turn to them for support?

    Thanks for all the good wishes and your prayers about my disorder. I have been doing much better on the lower doasge medication and I have been doing the best I can. I won't let this ruin my life, just I turned a page I din't think I was ever going to turn. I guess life is full of things we just don't expect, it's just how we deal with them that makes it all worthwhile. I still have the same plans for my life, it just might take a little longer to get there. Once again, thanks for all your good thoughts, I felt it all the way up here!

    By the way, my kitchen is looking amazing and it's just half done!
  • Morning Pooky, thanks for the coffee!

    Hey Peachie, last night I had my head in the bucket also, loreal preference 6 1/2! Thanks for reminding me about Debkay, I certainly will keep her in my prayers, do you have any updates?

    Vanessa, nice to know you are lurking, I do hope you post more often, you always speak/type so wonderfully.

    Nice seeing you post, also, Jennifer! Hope all is well with you.

    Take care all!
  • Good morning, Pooky, and the rest of the sleepyheads. Thanks for starting us up and making the coffee, Pook. Sounds like your kitchen is on schedule and so are you. ((((A))))

    My morning routine has certainly changed. I used to get up and check in here before going downstairs. With a puppy, I now HAVE to go out there first thing and seem to stay downstairs for coffee, breakfast, more potty work and other stuff. It was getting bright this a.m. which was a nice treat.

    Took my car to the dealer yesterday morning and still don't have it back! The back door is locked OPEN which makes driving a bit chilly. I had it roped nearly shut and thought it would be a simple fix - so silly! The dealer will probably have the darn thing for three days. So I have to drive DH's car which is in lousy shape - weak heater, no washer fluid and low on gas. Guess a stop at the service station will fix the last two problems.

    This morning I am meeting with the team from Habitat for Humanity to see what this co-ordination job involves. Somehow I expect it will consist of more than taking and passing on messages! It does seem very worthwhile, however. There have been over 150 applicants (families) and now the screening committee has to make some hard decisions.

    Quick bath and then a change into meeting clothes - NO PANTY HOSE! I draw the line at that. I will only get back into business mode a little bit.

    Havea wonderful day.
  • Hi Kids,

    Well its almost lunch time, wow time flys when your not having fun lolol.

    Ruthie NO PANTY HOSE? well just make sure your wearing clean underware, remember what mother always told us (and no, that doesn't include the crochless ones rofl).


    Nothing much to report, have a wonderfussy day all.

    Love Leens
  • I'm back!
    Last week, DH had a poject about four hours away from home and he stayed there from Monday through Friday. When we were told he had to go back Saturday though Monday, I decided to go along. DD, Zookeeper took care of my pets and off we went. It wasn't very exciting, but we did find some time to spend together. Mind you, the villages where we were are very small and rural, so there is really not much to do. I spent most of my time in the motel watch TV--yuck! We did go to a larger town that had a Wal-mart where I found some terrific bargains on fabric...$1.00 and $2.00 a yard. Just what I needed was more fabric! we finally got home yesterday, Monday night! Boy it's nice to see my own bed and potty!
  • Hey everybody!
    Wow, the people are scarce on the boards these days! Thought I would add my 2 cents worth to up the numbers a little!

    LEENIE!! Good to see you! Hope work isn't killing you just yet!

    Ruth, I won't wear pantyhose either, I think the man who surely invented them should be strung up by a pair.

    Pooky, hope you had fun at the daycare. I do NOT envy you one bit!

    Dondar, that sounds like a beautiful color You wear it well!

    Tippy, can we compare fabric sometime? My stash is taking over my house!!

    Since my post is usually the kiss of death on the daily thread, I'll talk to you all tomorrow! Hope everyone who is LURKING is having a great day!
  • Hi all!Just checking in and catching up....gorgeous today, went tot he beach and then to Orlando to visit our old neighbors and friends...we miss them but not Orlando, what a rat race it has become, even worse then when we left a year ago. I expected to feel a pit in my stomach when I saw our old house but I did not and Ithought DH would be upset but he wasnt...Tennessee was a good move after all. I have been semi OP and having a great time, I took a long fast walk on the beach so I did exercise but my water is lacking.....have a great week everyone!!! Pooky-glad you are feeling better!!!!