Suggestions on willpower?

  • Any bright idea would be wonderfully appreciated. Sometimes, espcecially in the car on the way home from work, I get the idea of something I'd like to eat (even if I am not hungry) Once the idea is in my head, I can't get it out! The food name SCREAMS to me! Sounds ridiculous, but true. How do you guys "say no"? What do you do to put your mind on other things? My biggest problem is eating when I am not hungry.

  • Meditation and visualization. I picture how I want to look. My entire motivation behind my willpower is a single photograph of me. I keep a printout of it with me at all times. I also keep a bag of cajun beef jerky and a bottle of water with me at all times. Every time I crave something and can't get the thought out of my head, I look at the photo, have a chunk of beef jerkey and nurse the water for an hour. The jerky is zero fat and has almost no calories. The water keeps me full and helps flush my system.

    Now, you may look at a photo like that and get depressed. For me, that photo is my ultimate motivation. That is my reminder of what I look like when I give in to my cravings. My visualization of what I want to look like is my weight at age 17...200 pounds.

    This is what helps me get over my cravings. The photo thing may be too harsh for some people, but it keeps my brain on track.
  • I completely agree with Sean, those are great ideas. I have one other to add, sometimes it helps for me. If you can just continue to put off eating. I'm a huge prostiantor, so it helps me alot. Good luck with your journey.
  • I hear you, good thing is right no i have no car. Have to take a bus into town if i want snack, or walk three miles to the closest store. I remember however, when i was at my heaviest that the car was a bad thing. bagels, ice cream, whatever i wanted whenever i wanted. down here, i have to cook what ever i want unless i want to pay 300 percent higher prices. that helps too. However, I chew gum...I find that helps, even though it shouldn't since it lifts insulin levels. so i dont recommend it. Really, try eating somthing like nuts or even teh chic nut recipe i posted on the earlier thread. Thing is, Fat and protein satiate hunger, so you need to find something that fits in with that to pop in your mouth. If it is a thing of eating out of bordom, try looking at what sparked the craving....if you are bored, do something, take a walk with a friend, stop a moment and think about your family, your job, your future...something positive. then, ask your self if you really wanted to eat. If you can't stop the craving, perhaps you realy do nee dto food, and are depriving yourself////dont do that it is destructive. eat something healthy. Or, perhaps you are thirsty. try drinking water or water with lemon squeezed in it. lots of times people eat when they are really just thirsty. good luck....

  • When I'm at work (where I do most of my mindless eating), I find that if I think I want to eat something, I'll sit down and write down what it is I want to eat, and why I want to eat it. Usually after reading what I've written, I can laugh at myself for thinking that boredom is a good justification for a Snickers bar, whether I'm hungry or not.

    Of course, it doesn't always work, but at least if I take the time to think about what I'm eating and why before I just put it in my mouth, I can convince myself to have something better for me.
  • Willpower
    Thanks so much for the suggestion on writing down what you want to eat before you actually do...I tried it today and so far I've had a perfect day of eating. Great tip!
  • Yay!
    I'm glad it worked for you! I actually got it from Bob Greene's new book, which has a whole big section on emotional eating. There were more tips in there, but that was the one that worked best for me.
  • valerie,
    it is so funny that i read your post this morning, because the exact thing happened to me today. i was on my way to work and i got this thought that i was really hungry for a breakfast sandwhich (kind of like a fast food type, but from this certain convenience store). anyway, even though the store is like 5 miles out of my way to work, i HAD to stop & get one. so i know exactly how you feel.
    my biggest problem is also eating when i am not hungry, mostly at night, after dinner. i sneak food when my bf isn't around, or when he's sleeping. (he knows, i told him).
    i am sure i would be at goal by now if i didn't have this bad habit.
    i am going to start writing down my foods eaten, and also my foods that i have cravings for. that is a great idea! it seems like if u would write it down & actually think about it, you really wouldnt want it.
    sean is right too, we have to visuallize ourselves the way we want to be: healthy, confident, full of energy!!!!!