Terrific Tuesday Beach Chat

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  • Happy Faschnot Day! My mother traditionally makes dozens of doughnuts today and her place is like an open house with friends and family stopping in all day. I usually stay far, far away and will do the same today. My constitution has been wobbly as of late, and I sure don't need to be tempted by those fresh, warm, sugary cinnamony things!

    How's the packing going, Kara? Tomorrow's the day, are you excited? It'd be nice if we could get together while you're home, but I know you'll be pretty busy visiting with your family and getting ready for Germany. I pray that God will be watching over you and the children during your long journey home.
  • WHAT?!!? I cannot believe that I'm poster #2 today!

    Cottage: Great job staying away from your Mom's today. I couldn't be there without sampling some homemade doughnuts! I'll have to google Faschnot Day when I get out of class to see what it is - I've never heard of it. Anyhow - hope you have a great day!

    Me: I actually made it up early enough to walk and come here and post! That's a huge first for me. I'm hoping that it's a good indication that I'm becoming more committed to exercising most days of the week.

    All I've got going today is class, work, class. I should be back home around 8pm tonight. Mondays and Tuesdays are definitely the hardest, but it will be worth it in the long run. I've just got to make sure and keep up with my homework and what-not. If I can get through the month of Feb. with all our company and going out of town, I think the rest of the semester will just cruise on by.

    Well, off to post my exercise and then shower. Hope everyone to come has a great Tuesday!
  • Good morning. Hello cottage. So far it's just us. I'm up early again this morning. DH decided he's gonna start going to work earlier so that he can get off earlier. My oldest has cubscouts tonight. Boy does he love going to it and I don't bother him with it either-----it's HIS time to do something on his own without younger brother following him. Well, off to take the kids to school but gotta give my 5 year old his ADHD medicine first. Good morning to the rest of you and hope all has a good day.
  • Kim-I guess we were posting at the same time. Good morning.
  • Ok, Cottage, splain...what is Faschnot Day??? It's Happy Mardi Gras Day here!

    Sorry I didn't buzz in yesterday, but it was nuts here. News came out yesterday about an ingredient called "phthalaltes" that is found in many baby products. My biggest client produces organic baby products and we spent the whole day (till after 11 last night) fielding emails, press releases, updating her site etc to let all of her customers know that that ingredient is not found in the products. It was wild. I was on 'standby" all day long yesterday and today it looks like the same thing.

    One really cool thing happened yesterday evening though. A client called to say she was sending her husband over with a cd for me to post on their son's site. I've known the family for years. Anyway, when he showed up at the door, I opened it and he said "Girl, HOW MUCH WEIGHT HAVE YOU LOST??What diet are you on???" (I haven't seen him in a long time.) I told him SB and he said "I gotta tell my wife about this one!!!" I had made chocolate chip cookies for the family right before he got there and was thinking about taking a bite of one. His comments made the cookies look nasty. gotta love it.

    The weather here is so strange right now. It was in the 20's the other day. Yesterday it got up to 78 and felt like spring. I was in shorts and flip flops. It is supposed to storm today later on...not good for Mardi Gras revelers.

    ah, lots of posting at the same time...Morning everyone!!!

  • Hello -

    I have not been in chat for a while, but do check in with the board most days. Today is day three of P1 - last night my body decided it was unhappy (TMI) so I did lighter excercise this morning, but am still sticking to to it.

    It is an extra long work week - both tonight and tomorrow I have to go back from 8:00 - 11:00 pm. The good part is if I amnot home I will be less tempted to snack at home.

    I hear it raining and it is supposed to be in the 50's today - unheard of in Erie in February. I am sure it will snow by the weekend, but yesterday it reminded me of srping....ahhh.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • cottage, Faschnots are a big thing around here too. I never heard of them before I moved here. I think it's a PA/German thing, and the church across the street from me is Brethren, so every year they bring us some of those evil things. They brought some on Sunday, but luckily just two for the kids.
    Poor Kim, the spring will be here before you know it! Just think of all you are accomplishing!
    Cat, your friend's visit was providential! They were the fleur-de-lis flip flops I assume...
    Ally, hope your long week passes quickly!
    Have a great day tk!

    I've got to get the kids off, but I'll be back to finish.
  • Morning Ladies

    Cottage-Good luck on avoiding the doughnuts!

    TK- Morning..Have fun at Cub Scouts

    femme Woohoo on the comment!!!

    ally Hope you feel better today.

    Today I am doing some work calls and cleaning house. Take care
  • Hey all! I'm in the middle of packing those last few things that I always forget (almost left out the AWANA books and all of our shoes - AH!) but I wanted to check in and say hey. Thanks for the prayers, Linda! We sure could use as many as you all have to offer! The kids are really excited and I'm sure they'll be super good, but it *is* quite a long trip and we are saying good bye to Daddy for about six weeks, so I'm sure there will be rough patches.

    Better get back to it before I leave something else important out! I'll get back on the boards as soon as I can. I just heard that Tom's dad (finally) got a cable modem, so he's out of the dial-up stone ages!!! Whew!

    "See" you all soon!

  • Cat, what a wonderful NSV and compliment! Faschnots are deep-fried donuts, as you've probably figured out by now. I've always been told that today is the day people pig-out on all the foods they usually give up during Lent. Funny, I used to look forward to this day to gorge all day long, and now I think it's disgusting. This way of eating really changes our attitude on how we treat our bodies, doesn't it?

    Kim, congratulations on getting your exercise in early today! Hang in there, your schedule will ease up soon!

    tkglenn, how are you doing on Phase 1? Enjoy your day!

    amasam, I hope you are feeling better today. Enjoy this mild weather, we're supposed to get up to the 60s today, and maybe even warmer tomorrow! Crazy, isn't it?

    tammie, good morning! Want another house to clean?

    Kara, there you are! I was wondering if you'd check in today. God speed.

    Schmoodle, looks like we'll both be trying to dodge the donuts today! Good luck!
  • Good Tuesday Morning to all! It's rainy and 56 here this morning, perfect weather for storms which are predicted later this afternoon.

    Cottage WTG avoiding the goodies, I'm with you right now, couldn't be around them, my willpower is about nil now and I am working hard to get back on track!

    Kim Good for you getting up early, you rock!

    TK Hope you have a great day!

    Cat don't you love those compliments!

    Ally I'm with you, so ready for spring, I really want to get out walking again!

    Schmoodle I think I may need you this month! Luckily all my refinance are FHA loans so we are streamlining them which makes it easier but 36 is still a bit scary!

    Tammie good morning!

    Kara Hope your day goes smooth! Don't forget the toothbrushes!

    Me Funny story, one of the new girls here found out I lost weight and asked how, I passed on my SB book to her and she started Sunday. Oh she was crabby yesterday and now my boss is blaming me! LOL

    On a sad note I got a call yesterday from one of my old bosses, he said one of the ladies I worked with lost her daughter (28) saturday and he thought I would want to know. They don't know a cause of death yet, apparently her son (6) found her in the bathtub and called his grandma and said "I think my mama is dead I slapped her and she won't wake up" My heart breaks for this family. Kind took the wind out of my sails yesterday.

    But hey today is a new day! Have a great day chicks and I will talk to you all later!
  • Good Morning Everybody-
    No time for personals... I am running incredibly late. Hope everyone has a great day and Kara have a safe trip home.
  • I'm back, kids delivered, house quiet for the moment.
    Kara, have a smooth trip and check in when you are stateside!
    Stephanie, sorry, we got our contract award yesterday afternoon, so I am employed for another year. You are on your own. good luck!
    Happy cleaning Tammie!

    All the awesome questions the newbies are asking made me wonder if I had forgotten some things from the SB book (or twisted things in my own mind so I would like them better), so I pulled the book out last night for a refresher. It has been a year since I last read it. I also stopped by the library in the next town and picked up some exercise DVDs to try. I'm going to attempt one at lunch. I've got a couple of the WATPs on reserve, but I have to wait until the bookmobile comes next week to get those. I don't think the bowflex is going to work out. Between my schedule and my friend's, it's going to be too hard to get in 3X/wk. I think I might be able to motivate myself better if I find something I can do right here when I've got a little time. I've got 9 days until I weigh in, and I'm really motivated to put in a stellar week.
  • Stephanie, that's incredibly sad! I'm so sorry to hear that.

    Kara, good luck with the final details--you're a strong woman!!! Six weeks, wow!

    Cottage and Schmoodle, I am so glad that there isn't a faschnot celebration going on near me, eek!

    And Cat, Mardi Gras Tuesday sounds like it will be supertempting too (but with that awesome compliment, bet you're feeling strong)!

    Hi to Everybody hope your day is a good (doughnut free) one!
  • LOL Cottage my house is enough!! I just don't understand how it gets so messy. OH wait I have a husband and kids LOL If I could convince everyone to go around naked and not eat My house would stay clean HAHA!!!

    Kara good luck!!

    Congrats Smoodle on the contract!!

    Morning to everyone else.