Nebie here..anyone doing slimfast

  • Hi all,

    I am happy to have found this site. I am wondering if anyone here is doing Slimfast? I did it a few years back did very well on it. Since then have done weight watchers also, well just have done a few ,and am a yo yo diet person. I am 52 next week, and must say I have never had a harder time getting wt off or making myself stick to any kind of diet program. But house full of stress has help this think middle along, and age, being sick, well enough of this I have to do something this is getting me really wish me luck starting tomorrow and my mind set is small goals. I look forward to getting to know you all.

    sunny jo
  • just wantd to welcome you! i just signed up today too! i unfornuately am not doing slim fast but im trying to stop bingeing. but welcome!
  • Welcome!
    There's a thread with some Slimfasters here:
    And please feel free to post in a few areas... there's a lot going on here.
    Best wishes to you... you can do this.
  • thankyou
    thank you much


    sunny jo
  • jo

    Hope to get to know you better