Walk Away The Pounds ****February Chat

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  • Good morning all you wonderful walkers! It's a new month!

    We need to side step, knee lift and kick our way to a more wonderful us for Valentine's Day this month.

    Come on it and let's do it together. Who will lose the most this month?
  • I got carried away and was still posting in the January thread.

    I overslept this morning. So, no workout for me. I don't know if I'll be able to get off work early today to get one in before dinner.
  • Happy Feb!

    I slept in a bit this morning cuz I was tired, but I still did 25 min on my bike and 1 fast mile from the 5 mile advanced dvd
  • Well I won't lose the most this month so I will forget about that BUT I did 1704 min of exercise last month so I will just remember that and be proud. It is getting a bit cold now so NOW is the time for the vidoes. I like it to be a bit cool when I do my exercise.
  • Hi everyone! Work has been super hectic and I have been battling w/ my knee again. ICK! I finally called my ortho and made an appt to get it checked out, so it has to be bad! LOL! I am going to at least try to do a mile this afternoon--even if I have to slow my pace, it will be something!

    I am so proud of my hubby! He did a 1 mile walk yesterday through our on demand exercise tv. He is totally feeling it in his legs today. I have been telling him about the great workouts and he finally tried for himself! YEA! Now maybe we can do some together!

    Keep going! We can all do this!!!
  • I got up this morning determined to work out. After my 1 hr sit time for the Fosamax, I did the Walk Slim 2 Fast Miles. I think I may try and squeeze in 1 more this afternoon because boobalah wants to start up again.

    mj, boobalah was working out with me until he got a lung infection. The coldness in the backroom was too much for him this morning. Good luck with your knee.
  • hey gang

    i didn't get up in time for a workout before work yesterday and today I had to clean house. so my 6 hours of cleaning was my exercise for the day. one of these days i'm gonna wear my pedometer when i clean to see how many miles i walk while cleaning, but anyway, that's it for today.

    hope everybody has a great weekend!
  • I haven't had TIME for a workout for a couple of days, so I made sure to do one today! I chose the 2 mile Brisk Walk with the stretchie. It's not as demanding as the Walk Slim workouts, but it's great for when I'm short on time and/or energy!
  • I made sure to get my workout in before the big game (even though I only watch it for the commercials)! I did the 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk with 2 pound soft weights followed by the 1 mile easy Walk with the stretchie. It felt great and now I can say I've walked 2 days in a row, which hasn't happened in 2 weeks!
  • I started my diet 01/30/08 and I have been walking a mile each day since that day except I've decided to take Sundays off.
  • limeswirls. You've come to a great place. 3FC has been a life line for many of. Please feel free to side step back into this thread any time!

    I got some new inserts for my shoes yesterday. My feet have started bothering me again. I can wear them only a few hours each day. However, instead of walking with Leslie, we went around both floors of the mall today. I ended up walking about 2 hours. I think that's enough for my aching feet.
  • I haven't done anything in three days, due to a migraine, but hopefully I can get back on the "wagon" tomorrow.
  • Grumble
    Migraines can make the whole world stop. Hope you are feeling better soon and can get back on track.

    Inserts can make the world of difference. I finally found a pair of shoes today. size 2 but they fit pretty good. Couldn't find anything smaller with any kind of arch or support at all. Going to wear thick socks lol.

    That is wonderful. You will really see the difference. I have been doing at least a one mile walking aerobic video for probably 8 months and for at least the last 4 months maybe more 3 miles of walking videos 5 times a week. The difference in the tone of my body is terrific.

    Terrific. Makes you feel good doesn't it. I watch the commercials on msn.com can't wait to see them.

    Getting the body moving is real important. Up and down the stairs a few dozen times is really good for the thighs too lol.

    Glad you are going to have that knee checked out. I have problems with my one knee and one hit from time to time. I do the videos but I do them at my pace. Just walk slow or fast it gets the body moving.
  • <- been out of the loop... did my walks while in SD... brought my videos with me

    i fell off track for a couple of days though... so i'm back on today... tonight = 2 mile express or 3 miles (depending if i remember to take out my dvd from my laptop here at work before i leave)
  • I got up and did the 1 Mile Walk Away The Waist with the belt.

    Grumble, pack your head in ice. It does help with the migraines. I used to get them all the time. I would put an ice bag on my head and it would really help.