Faceshots: -20.

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  • Hello, darling chicks!

    While I have been both a member and adorer of this website for quite awhile, I can't say that I have been as attentive of a dietee.

    I've been off and on the weight loss bus like a kid with a bladder problem . However, since November, I've been riding it out. Here's a 20 lb weight loss that has pretty much brought me to where I left off this early Spring/ Summer '07. But that's okay.

    I'm curious to know if anyone else can spot the slight difference that only co-workers and grandmother seem to have the eyes for.

    Link to a slideshow of some pretty fugly face shots below.


  • I can totally see a difference! And that's no ugly mug. You're beautiful!!!

  • Huge difference. I wish my jawline was so defined!
  • You look FAB-U-LOUS!!!!!! I can see a big difference, I hope I lose it in my face first, seeing how that's all I really look at lol.
  • You look fabulous. Your brows & complexion are beautiful!
  • Definitely a difference! I agree, what a fantastic jawline! Simply gorgeous ^^
  • You are absolutely gorgeous in the face. I weigh just slightly less than you and I don't have a face that thin. I love your face deary
  • I agree, you have a very pretty face! =)

  • Wow!!! Thank you all.

    You're toooooo kind!
  • OMG, yes we can see it too! Keep up the gt8 work.
  • OMG yes you can see it. You'd have to be blind not to. I love how you write...+ a zit. LOL! That's how I am. You are looking great.
  • I see the difference, and I SOOOO want your eyebrows, lol. Gorgeous.
  • You sure can tell a difference! Good for you for all your hard work!
  • I love your "I've been off and on the weight loss bus like a kid with a bladder problem" ... analogy lol...
  • beautiful!