As we all prepare for February 3 -

  • go giants!!!!!

    just wanted you all to know that.
  • But it's not even baseball season yet!

    Oh wait, you mean the sport with that funny looking ball.

    The Chickster
  • Heck Yah!
  • no jiffypop,
    it'sGO PATRIOTS!

    I live about 4 miles from this year's superbowl venue and it's been slowing down my evening commute for weeks because everyone had to rubberneck to see all the stuff they have up for NFL Experience. GRRRR. I took an alternate route today.
  • What's this about patriotic gigantic people with funny looking what's it's?

    OH and I think I would stay away from a superbowl...if there are super bowls and hungry giants.....could be dangerous!

    I don't even follow football anymore...since SF lost their touch in 1989! hehe I hope that those in NY and those in New England can have a nice day what ever the outcome!

    Me, on Feb. 3rd am going to need a valum! I am already tense and surgery's still a week away!
