My Own Worst Enemy

  • I have been living with PCOS for the past 15 years. The agony of this disease began with hair growth on my face in high school. I used to bleach it every week. And my mother would actually tell me some days on my way out the door to school that she could "see the hair really bad." Which made the rest of my day absolutely horrible. I have never been able to wear a short hair cut because I always feel that I need to pull my hair down around my face to try to hide my chin and sides, in case I run into anyone I know on my "hairy days."

    I slowly graduated from bleaching in high school to waxing in college. Which was always fun trying to wax when my roomates were not around. Thankfully I met my husband and married him right out of college. For the last 12 years he has been amazing. I honestly believe that there is no other man who could accept me for who I am - and love me regardless of the hair on my face. Through all the weight gain and hairy-ness - he has never made me feel anything but attractive and loved. He is truly a blessing in my life.

    Right before my wedding - one of my aunts paid for a "day of beauty" at a beauty parlor. I don't know how she described me on the phone when she was making the reservation. But when I showed up to be waxed the beauticians were waiting for sasquatch to walk in - which made me feel awesome that my aunt had described me basically as the hairiest person on earth! And that waxing seemed to open the floodgates. I have had to wax every single week for the past nine years. Truth be told the hair usually grows back completely within 4 or 5 days - it is horrendous.

    Thankfully - and luckily - I got pregnant very soon after my wedding. I have been able to have 4 beautiful healthy children. However all of the pregnancies have really taken a toll on my body. I have not been taking care of myself at all. Typical woman, I have put everyone else first and myself dead last.

    But I have received a wake-up call recently. I have noticed in the mirror and on my brush that my hair is now falling out. So on top of having a beard - I now can look forward to being bald as well. I don't know why - but losing the hair on top of my head is making me crazier than the hair on my face ever has. I guess because I can remove the hair on my face but not a huge bald spot!!

    Anyway, so as Oprah says - This is my year. I went to the doctor and I have a presciption for Yasmin. Despite all the horror stories on the internet, I am hopeful that the bc pills will help me get my hormones back in order. I have also started watching what I eat, which is probably the hardest part for me. I LOVE SUGAR. Somedays when the kids are too much and life is getting too hard - it is the only thing that makes me feel better. But I have to cut it out. I am trying to now follow a low GI diet and hopefully this will help with the insulin resistance and will reduce some of my syptoms as well. I have also started working out at the gym - although it is hard to get there at night after my husband comes home. But some days - it is the only time that I get to myself.
    So say a prayer for me...and keep your fingers crossed.
  • Good luck and YOU CAN DO THIS! I can relate about the hair on your face...I had to start shaving when I was 14 after someone at work pointed out I had a beard. Since then I have to shave daily, however, sometimes I forget and my mom has also made comments about the facial hair being 'really noticable'.

    BLUCK! I'm a blond yet all the hair on my face is coarse and black. So it really stands out.

    Anyhow, I hope the Yasmin works for you. You are lucky to have been able to have children.