Wellbutrin and blood sugar

  • Is anyone else having problems with Wellbutrin and their blood sugar dropping? I just started taking it again today and had to get food together quickly or I felt like I was going to vomit. I'm on birth control, but it hasn't been affecting my blood sugar at all.
  • i was on it for a couple years and it didnt seem to drop my blood sugar, but then again at the time I would have wished it did my sugar was so high. You should ask your doctor about it.
  • Hey! I have been on Wellbutrin XL for almost 2 years now and I was hoping it would help me lose weight, but I've actually gained weight. I've gained close to 40 pounds within 2 years. I didn't really think about it until I read this post, but I do have times where I feel really hungry and like I've got to have something, yet, it shouldn't be time to eat. However, the benefits of this drug outweigh the negatives (pardon the pun!). I'm just trying to get back on the bandwagon and lose this weight. I'd be curious to hear from someone that may know more about this. This is my first time to ever post to any website!