I'm a newbie

  • Hi I'm Shannon, I'm not a spammer but wanted to let you know that I posted this in announcements too, thinking that was where you started.

    I'm 34, and currently work per deim at my job. All that means is I'm a casual employee due to my schedule. But other than that I'm usually a SAHM

    Well wow where to start. I've got 2 boys. My oldest is 9. After I had him I just had postpardum weight to loss with him and somehow managed to keep eatting as though I was still pregnant. Then that turned into 90 extra pounds. I weighed 195-200 before I got pregnant. (I'm 6' 3") so that was skinny for me for my body type. That extra 90 pounds I gained bulked me up to the 280's and 295 mark.

    It wasn't until 05 into 06 that I kinda started a version of the atkins diet and just changed to diet soda and watched my carbs that I dropped 50lbs like nothing. And to my husband and my suprise once I lost that little bit of weight, we wound up pregnant with our second son. The extra weight I believe contributed to our struggle with concieving him. That's why I have almost a 7 year age difference between my kids.

    So now it's 08 I'm back into the 280's and miserable. I lost this weight once before I know I can do it again. I just like to eat. That's my whole problem.

    I'd love to be 220 or even 200lbs that'd be wonderful for me considering my height.

    I'm wondering is this a forum that you guys have different diet plans or are you all pretty much doing the same thing.

    I'm on the Hilton Head Metabolism diet and so far this being only the 4th day love it. It's hard don't get me wrong, but aren't most diets I've lost 5lbs in 3 days so to me it's like 10 and I just plan on continuing on. My parents are doing the same diet with amazing success. So far they've lost about 45lbs each so I know this will work for me to if I stick to it.

    I hope to finally have found a weight loss group for me that I can vent to and get that extra willpower when I think I need to eat.

    Thank you for reading and I look forward to meeting you all.
  • Hi Shannon! Hey, it's nice to have someone taller than me on the thread! Hop right in and join us on the Daily Chat thread!
  • Quote: Hi Shannon! Hey, it's nice to have someone taller than me on the thread! Hop right in and join us on the Daily Chat thread!

    I'll definitely have to do that.