
  • bought my first pilates dvd... put it in and thought ' that doesnt look so hard'.. omg.. have you heard of the scissors? lie on your back.. feet up and alternating feet go up and down... looks sooo easy.. so i lay down.. get my huge self comfortable on the floor.. lift one leg and im thinkin ' hmm this isnt gonna be as easy as i thought it was' lol... i did two scissors and im dyin lol.. my stomach muscles feel as if they have been punched... one good thing tho, is i guess it really Does work those stomach muscles like it claims lol...i really feel bad for all the names i was calling the poor girl in the dvd as i was trying to do these... she made it look easier than riding a bike.. i sure didnt like her there for a few lol...
    i just cant believe that i let myself get to this point.. in my head while i was watching it, i just knew i could do it and it would be a snap... i used to be able to put my ankles behind my head.. guess i best not try that atm either lol.. can ya say 911? lol... oh well, just wanted to share my humiliation lol... hopefully today ill be able to do three of em lol
  • Thanks for the smile. We've all been there. Just do a little more every day and you'll be keeping up with that "poor girl" before you know it.
  • That is so funny I know exactly how you feel! I have felt exactly like that every time I have attempted to do one of those videos. It does work the muscles though doesn't it lol!!! Good Luck and keep the phone close just to be safe hehe
  • Just think...if you can do one more each time, imagine how many you'll be able to do in a month or two! Good luck and keep up all that good work!