tee-hee-hee I cheated...

  • No, I didn't inhale a chocolate sundae lol...I got on the scale this morning even though I promised myself I would only weigh myself Wednesday mornings and I was BELOW 250!! I know I have a long, long way to go but this has definietly put some wind in my sails.
  • Congratulations!!
  • Congrats and welcome to 3FC!
  • Good for you! Congratulations!
  • Whoo-hoo!! Congratulations!
  • Congrats! That's awesome! I wish I had enough willpower to only weigh once a day let alone once a week. I'm so obsessed.
  • Congrats!
  • Congrats on the unexpected victory!
  • congrats... i did that too last week and was down to 199.8... lowest i've been in AGES! of course that sabotaged me and now i'm back to 203... but ya... i know it's do-able

    luckily i put a WATP DVD onto my IPOD for when i go on travel on thursday, plus the hotel has a gym that i might go use while i'm there and just walk on the treadmill
  • Excellent! That's brilliant.
  • ah in this instance cheating paid off. good work!
  • congrats
  • Way to go! Thats great! Keep up the good job and keep us posted!
  • Good for you! I wish I would only weigh once a week.