How did you determine your goal weight?

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  • I keep going back on forth trying to determine how much weight I truly need to lose. How did you determine your goal weight? Is there a magic formula or just a nice number you want to hit?
  • Basically, half my starting weight.
  • WOW! Very impressive and I see you're doing an awesome job! How long has it taken you to lose those 101lbs? You must feel like a new woman!
  • A lot of people aim for a weight somewhere within the "healthy weight range". A lot of people use a BMI (body mass index) that they want to reach instead of a weight. BMI is generally calculated using height and weight. You can use this calculator to calculate your current BMI, and see if the weight you are shooting for (at your height) would put you at a healthy BMI.
  • I just picked a number around when I used to feel normal sized. And it just happened to be 100lbs., which is a nice round number (like me ). But really, I don't know how meaningful it is. It's just a number I picked. When I get down around goal weight, I'll re-assess, and maybe I'll decide it's too low, or maybe I'll want to go lower.
  • It's the exact middle of the "healthy" BMI. Also it's as low as I'm recommended to go for my frame size.
  • Mellie - way to go on your 8 pounds!!!! That is awesome.

    I picked my goal (like modkittn said) by looking at my healthy healthy weight range for my height. My specific "goal" I picked because it was in the range, and I like that it is exactly 100 pounds less than my high weight (makes it super easy to calculate what percent of my goal I've reached!) To be totally honest, though, I don't know that I'll care if I hit that exact number. I know getting near it will make me soooo much healthier than I am, and that will be enough for me. Right now, its catchy and keeps me motivated - and thats good enough.
  • Mine is my pre-pregnancy weight minus five. Basically the weight I was in college, which was a comfortable place to be for me!
  • I picked mine by going to about 20 different web calculators and putting in my stats. Then I averaged them all and went right in the middle. Once I picked it though I realized that I don't ever remember being at that weight. So I guess I'll see when I get there or get close.
  • I started by just wanting to be in the healthy weight range for my height (BMI wise). I figured once I got there, I could reassess and determine what would be right for me. Once I got there, I realized that getting down to about 145 would probably be just about right. I am hoping to get a little smaller and hit 135 (so that I can say I lost 1/2 my body weight), but if I start to look unhealthy or feel unhealthy at that point, then it won't happen. I think if I can get to and stick to a weight between 140 and 145, I'll be a very happy girl. (Though believe me, I'm already happy to be so much lighter, fitter and healthier).
  • I was healthiest in my runners body at somewhere between 140 and 150. I ran in school and on and off up until 1999. Then I just did occasional sprinting among weekly mountain or desert treks and hikes.

    I gained 42 pounds in 2003. I gained another 17 pounds in the next 4 years. I want back to my starting weight of that dreadful year. Then figured I would go the extra two pounds just because.
  • the high end of my weight range
    I have seen ranges that say I should be 90 lbs-114, but I know I am not suited for that, at my healthy fitness level I was 122-125,
    this is on a weight range scale, i am not using the bmi scale becuase, at 130 I want to be very fit and toned.
    Plus I just want my goal to be down right realistic and attainable!
  • I gained all my excess weight within a short period of time (2 years). I had gained a little weight before then, but it didn't concern me because I still felt good, looked good, and was very active and healthy. I feel my best (and even look best) when I weigh between 135 and 150. I feel my *absolute* best when I'm around 135. Anything below that is not good for me.

    Basically, I went back and looked at old pictures, examined my memories and my emotions, and honestly "pictured" myself at my happiest (from a purely physical view) and when I felt the healthiest. I was thinner than 135 (~ 115 or so) for almost my entire life, but I felt best and felt healthiest at 135 as opposed to a lower weight.

    I tossed out all notions of how much I *should* weigh and just let my mind and body tell me where I need to be.

    Hope that made sense *lol*
  • Self magazine (Feb. 2008) had an interesting article on "Calculate Your Happy Weight". The article stressed that many women aim for an unrealistic goal that they can either not attain or cannot maintain without great sacrifice. The formula for calculating went like this:

    1)Multiply your height in inches by itself, then multiply that number by 0.031.

    2)Multiply the above number by 0.95 if you have a small frame, leave it alone if you have a medium frame, & multiply it by 1.05 if you have a large frame.

    3)Add 1# if a sibling or parent is obese.

    4)Add 2# for each decade you are over age 20.

    5)Add 5# if you've had any children.

    6)Subtract 1# if you exercise and weight train once a week, subtract 2# if you do it 3 x week, 3# if five or more times a week.

    7)Add 4# if you smoked at least a pack a day for a year or more but have quit.

    8)Add 1# if you allow yourself a treat now and then.

    I thought this formula worked out to be very doable and made sense for me. The article gave the rationale for each criteria. I found it extremely interesting.
  • Wow! What a geat question, and I love all the great answers!!! Personally, I chose the weight I felt my most healthy after the age of 30 (Im 44, I don't pretend to be able to get back to my weight at age 16 easily!).... once I reach 157, I plan to 're-assess', as another poster put it, and decide if I am happy there or would like to lose a few more.

    I don't think I'm alone in observing: South Beach really doesn't feel like a DIET, per se... it really truly feels like a new eating lifestyle. I just wish I discovered it sooner!