Food plans, care to share?

  • I know that everyone has a different food plan and that OA DOES not endorse any sort of food plan. I also know that by doing a food plan you are avoiding eating "trigger" foods to avoid the possibility of COE and I know that what is a trigger for me may not be one for you.
    I also know that by sharing our food plans with others we can share our knowledge and recovery and can help someone who is struggling with COE.
    I decided to change my food plan today to remove not only sugar, but sugar substitutes because I've learned they are a trigger food for me.
    My food plan is kinda complicated but it works for me:
    I have a 3-2-1 plan. 3 planned meals a day, 2 planned snacks, 1 day or even minute at a time. I must plan my meals or I plan to fail. I also log down every single bit I eat. I count my calories, fat, protein, carbs etc. because I am teaching myself what healthy portions and eating looks like. After years of binging or starving I need the education. I eat no sugar or sugar substitutes and no carbonated beverages. I try to only eat whole grains, but have found that the occasional white bread is not a trigger for me. I only do that on very rare occasions.
    Do you care to share your food plan? What is your abstinence?
  • Hi, I am happy to share the basics of my food plan.

    My abstinence is 3 meals a day and nothing in between.

    My food plan is to eat in the region of 1,400 - 1,600 calories a day (which I count when I write my food plan the night before so as to calm potential calorie obsessing). I eat three healthy meals - high in wholegrains and complex carbs, low in white carbs, largely non-processed which means I don't eat low-fat or fat-free or diet food very often, I just eat the real stuff carefully. I eat plenty of protein, pretty low fat and a diet full of fruit and veggies - I generally eat about 9-a-day! I don't have a big problem with sugar as an addictive substance but it isn't good for me and I have become kind of uninterested in eating in; I think I could probably count the number of sweets and deserts I have had in the last 115 days or so on one hand.

    I don't drink diet coke etc, but do sometimes drink fizzy water - it is not an abstinence issue, I just find it isn't good for me to drink that stuff so I don't. I also don't eat crisps (chips) because I can't stop.

    In the beginning I was very rigid and wrote down food weights and so on, I still weigh my carbs such as rice and pasta and cereal because I find it hard to judge. Over the last few months I have got better at judging my portion sizes and when I go out to eat I try to visualise my plate at home and eat no more than would fit on it as a general rule. When I go out to eat I write on my food plan now "sensible choice" and I chose something that I will enjoy but that in terms of quantity and content won't cause me problems.

    That's all really - it sounded simple in my head but looks complicated when I write it down!
  • My food plan consists of 10 portions of raw fruits/legumes per day (3 of these portions are obligatory grapefruits) and 2 liters of water.

    2 mugs of fresh grounded coffee with Splenda

    1 hard boiled egg
    1/2 of a big grapefruit
    1 mug of water

    2 big carrots or 1/8 of a white cabbage (raw)
    1/2 of a big grapefruit
    1 mug of water

    1 cup of canned tomato juice
    1 slice of whole wheat bread (110cal)
    1 medium apple
    1/2 of a big grapefruit
    2 mugs of water

    1 little fruit yogurt (100g/35cal.)
    1/2 of a big lettuce with 1tbs of olive oil and the juice of 1/2 lemon
    1 chicken breast no bones, no skin, grilled
    2 mugs of green tea no sugar or milk added

    It makes around 1200cal/day.
  • Abstinent for me is 4 oz protein and a piece of fruit for breakfast (some examples of protein may be 5 egg white omlette with mushrooms or a soup of tofu and bean sprouts in fat free homemade broth). Lunch is 4 oz lean protein like chicken or fish or 2 oz hard cheese or 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 2 cups of veggies with a teaspoon or so of oil for prep. Dinner is same as lunch plus an extra cup of veggies. I add in 1/2 cup of whole grain something either at lunch or dinner if I need it. Allow myself 1 or 2 100 calorie packs of popcorn a day if needed. I eat a wide variety of food and really enjoy trying new combinations. My insane cravings are incredibly diminished. I also write out my plan the nite before and call it in to my sponsor in the morning. If something comes up and I have to substitute I feel o.k. because I know what the portions should look like.
  • I am not there yet...still looking for an OA meeting, sponsor, etc. But I am so glad you started this thread. The food plan has been heavy on my mind. With the help of a friend who follows a more natural/alternative approach to food/nutrition, I have started to look at my problem areas (sugar/carb addiction, constant failure when restricting carbs) and research yeast and the affects of overpopulation in the body. Has anyone ever looked into this? What I've read makes a lot of sense (for me) and I am leaning toward a food plan that would start with cleansing my body with all natural foods (raw garlic, vinegar, olive oil...sounds like salad dressing!) and abstaining from ALL sugar/carbs during the cleansing phase. The food plan would be mostly lean protein and vegetables (no fruit).

    The thought of this plan is exciting (finally getting over my sugar problem) and terrifying at the same time: I LOVE bread. I am a big sandwich person and find whenever I feel hungry my first thought is always about the bread (crackers, muffins, buns, breads, tortillas, pitas) what can I put on them or between them to make a tasty treat? Can I really do a program like this? My friend is very encouraging...reminding me that if I am decreasing the yeast (eating cleansing foods, taking probiotics) and not feeding the yeast (not eating breads, sugars or anything fermented) my cravings will go away...if I will stay with it long enough to break the cycle I will find I enjoy the foods I can eat and I can stay on program without the constant battle with the bread monster!

    I am worried about the preparation time this plan will take. I am a creature of convenience...I work full time and I have young kids. We eat fast food and pizza at least 1 time each per week. I do serve healthy foods at home but our diet does tend to revolve around the carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes, breads). I barely have enough time to cook one meal, I can't be cooking two meals-one for them and one for me. My DH could exist solely on chicken nuggets, cheddar cheese and lunchmeat. That's the majority of his diet (very little bread, no veggies, rarely fruit) not because he is following a plan...that's just the way he has always eaten. While he is overweight, he maintains his weight and when he has gained in the past, he started drinking fruit smoothies in the morning (fruit & juice only) and the weight just fell off. Men's bodies are SO different than women's!

    I am still researching and am open to any insight and suggestions! Thanks to everyone for sharing their plans.
  • Quote: I am not there yet...still looking for an OA meeting, sponsor, etc. But I am so glad you started this thread.
    Have you looked into online and phone meetings? The OA website can give you the list of face to face meetings in your area and a list of phone and online meetings if you have no meetings in your area. From that point on you can meet others and look into finding a sponsor.
    The food plan has been heavy on my mind. With the help of a friend who follows a more natural/alternative approach to food/nutrition, I have started to look at my problem areas (sugar/carb addiction, constant failure when restricting carbs) and research yeast and the affects of overpopulation in the body. Has anyone ever looked into this? What I've read makes a lot of sense (for me) and I am leaning toward a food plan that would start with cleansing my body with all natural foods (raw garlic, vinegar, olive oil...sounds like salad dressing!) and abstaining from ALL sugar/carbs during the cleansing phase. The food plan would be mostly lean protein and vegetables (no fruit).
    That sounds like a great start! Also remember that many OA start a food plan that works for them and can change the plan as they learn and grow and understand their personal triggers and limits. It's not "set in stone" once you start a food plan. You can pray about it and talk with your sponsor and your HP to decide what plan and any changes work for you and your recovery.
    Can I really do a program like this? I would say No, a COE cannot do it alone. Only by working the steps, letting go and letting God can we have the clarity of mind and power to follow any food plan. A food plan is not a diet and we can only succeed at it by following the steps, working with a sponsor, giving all the cares and worries to our HP and living one day at a time. I heard someone say "If I am abstinent today, I will always be abstinent, because I can only live in today"
    I am worried about the preparation time this plan will take. I am a creature of convenience...I work full time and I have young kids. I deal with the same thing. I work full time and have a very active toddler. My only way to do it is to plan ahead. I know each day what I am going to eat. I plan my meals each week including snacks and there is no question of what my lunch is today. I write it and give it to God and pray for the strength to remain abstinent. And by planning I don't get side tracked and eat something off plan. I love the phrase "If I fail to plan, I plan to fail".

    I am still researching and am open to any insight and suggestions! Thanks to everyone for sharing their plans.
    I hope this helps you. (((hugs)))) and welcome home! YOU deserve this!
  • Hi Everyone, it's amazing to me how "abstinence" differs from person to person. I am glad most of you have found a food plan that works for you, and June - i know that you soon will.

    For me, this time around and for a while at least, I have decided to build my abstinence around not bingeing. I have noticed that my trigger points revolve around situations, not food. I go into binge mode when I am alone, in the evenings, while watching TV. Also, when I'm in the car by myself driving somewhere. So I have made a commitment to myself (and written about it here, on several threads) that I will NOT eat in front of the TV, and I will NOT eat when I'm driving in the car. That means that if I'm hungry and want to eat something, I must either stop the car or turn off the TV. Believe it or not, for me this seems to be working. At least for now. It means that I am paying attention to what I'm eating, while I'm eating it. I'm not just mindlessly shoveling the stuff down, as I usually do. And since I'm paying attention to what I'm eating, I'm finding that I'm naturally making healthier choices.

    So far, so good!!