Been there and now I am back

  • Hi everyone...

    I just wanted to say hello... I was part of this board years ago and it was such a wonderful help.. I lost 130 pounds and hit my goal ...I was thrilled... and as you all know it was a ton of hard work I was pretty proud, I managed to keep it off for nearly four years.

    Last year however I had a series of surgeries and couldnt work out (yet I was still eating like I was) I have now gained 35 back.. I realize its not as much as before but it is the wrong direction..

    So I started back today at the gym and even incorporated nutri system back into my routine just to get me back on track... anyway I wanted to say hi, give you the back story and look forward to meeting you all and sharing goals and support!!!
  • back smartblond. Sorry about the surgeries but good for you to get right back at it as soon as you could.
  • Hey SmartBlond -

    Congratulations on your great losses so far! Unfortunately, the surgeries affected your efforts matter. You're back on track and moving forward now, yes?

    You know what you need to do and how to do it, because you've done it just get back to it!

    We do have forums for those using Nutrisystem or other meal delivery, so check it out!
  • Thanks!
    Thanks for the warm welcome!!

    I had four eye surgeries so because of the stitches I was not allowed in the gym for quite a while.. I do know what needs to be done and I was lucky the first time to have an amazing trainer who was my motivation but he has since moved out of the area and I am on my own devices..

    As you said I know what to do.. and I have found some of the nutrasystem forums.. I know its short term as far as that goes but I need to get jump started and back on track.. and lets face it the best motivation are groups like this one.. the help I got here the first time was really terrific!!!!