Something that is bothering me.

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  • I started last January at 298. I then got hired with the YMCA and would walk alot at work. Through that 7 months(especially those last few months in the summer) I lost 25 pounds. In August, I officially got on plan and started regularly exercising. What I have been struggling with is that I don't really see the results in my body.

    I know I have 128 pounds to loose in all but I always thought that at 50 pounds gone that I'd look half my size. But I am 75 pounds down and I'm only in a size 22 pant, barely an XL shirt. I'm just really loosing hope because when I look down I still see 298 pound Shannon. I know I'm loosing the weight. I see the numbers go down, I see the measurements go down and the clothes getting looser and looking better. I just don't see amazing results in my body.

    I've mostly done WATP as my exercise. I've been switching different strength training videos(I started with PUSH but can't do a push up at all so I tried to do turbo sculpt after that) because I can't find one I enjoy. That's the only thing I can think of unless it's because my height(5'8") was hiding so much fat that it will take more to have amazing results.

    Honestly, I look at the 22 pants and can't imagine that my thigh fits there. I enjoy being able to actually fit into shirts without stretching them. It's so hard to convince myself to keep working because I'm afraid that it's not going to happen. That even at goal I will still be fat.

    If anyone has anything/any words that may help me, I'd gladly appreciate it. I really need this because I don't want to stop here. I want to believe that what my mom says is true. That I will look amazing(like a normal weight in normal sizes) just like I dreamed since I was 9.



    (last progress pics on here:
  • You WILL! Congrats on your great loss so far!!!!

    This is a physical journey, but it is also so very mental. So many of us have weird self-perception issues.

    I am wearing mostly size 12 clothes these days and I still can't believe it. I go into a store and look at the women trying on the clothes that fit ME, and they look so... NORMAL... that I can't believe I look like that too.

    Do you have any "before" clothes? Trying those on can be a real eye opener!

    Trust in the process. Do the things that are bringing you success, and it will happen. Keep trying new physical things for exercise, too! You may just not like working out to videos... what else have you tried???
  • Quote:
    Do you have any "before" clothes? Trying those on can be a real eye opener!

    Trust in the process. Do the things that are bringing you success, and it will happen. Keep trying new physical things for exercise, too! You may just not like working out to videos... what else have you tried???
    Yeah, the before/current pics were all the same clothes almost:

    I've had that shirt for years since my graduation. It used to be OMG CLEAVAGE but now it's OMG BRA PEEKING OUT. Lol. I know it's loose. I try on clothes every month to remind me of this.

    I like working out to videos because I am so shy about being in public. I just haven't found the one I like and want to do. I look forward to my cardio but not strength training. I've tried the Lotte Berk DVD but I don't even know if it will give results. :P I actually enjoyed that except I really couldn't feel the abs part. I'm going to try to rent other DVDs in a little bit.
  • I think you look fantastic! Just from the pictures alone, I can tell a big difference. At 240-ish I wore a size 22, too. So, that's no unusual for that weight. I'm at a 20 right now, but I can almost shimmy into an 18. If I want to feel like I'm pinching myself off at the waist, then I can zip it up. ;-)

    As for being self-conscious exercising in public, throw yourself out there and see what happens. I walk a great deal. When I first started, I was super nervous about it. I thought that everyone was looking at me and wondering why *I* was using *their* jogging or biking trail. Now, I'm very comfortable walking and even jogging on the bike trails around town. That's *my* trail now. :-) You'd be surprised as how quickly you lose your self-consciousness. I'm even on the verge of joining a gym, and that was something I thought I'd never even consider.
  • Love the pics! I see a BIG difference!

    When I joined a gym weighing 250+ I thought everyone would stare. Honestly, I don't think anyone noticed me. If they did, they hid it well!
  • Daimere, you look great and you can really tell that you are making progress. Our mind does play tricks on us and it's easy for us to see how far we have left to go and not see how far we've already came. I am 5'7 and I also had thought that with 50 lbs. gone that I would look great, but I didn't think so when I got there. This isn't uncommon.

    You are doing a great job even if you can't see it, I'm sure everyone else is noticing it. Keep up the great job and you'll find your slender self that you are looking for. It's easy to get discouraged along the way, but that's what is so great about this site. Many of us are feeling or have felt the exact same way that you feel right now. Hugs!

    I just joined a gym myself after thinking I would never do it. It is wonderful and there are people there of all shapes and sizes and in different levels of fitness. One lady that I noticed during this past week of 6 days of my working out, she was there every time. She was busting her butt and she wasn't letting anyone bother her or get in the way of her fitness goal although she has a long way to go. I felt so PROUD of her and wished I had had the courage to do what she is doing right now.
  • Shannon, have you thought about doing something to pamper yourself and celebrate how far you've come? You've lost 75 pounds - that's amazing! Celebrate it! Treat yourself to a fancy haircut or spa visit or a special outfit.

    When I cut my hair (I took about 15 inches off), it really forced me to look at myself differently in the mirror. It wasn't the same old reflection. There was something new there, and I could actually see it. It may be that if you make some kind of appearance change, it will help you to see what you really look like now.

    I can definitely see the difference in your before and after pics. Congratulations on how far you've come.

  • There is definitely a difference in your pictures, a big difference. But I can totally understand what you are saying about not seeing the difference. I started in a 22 and am now in a 12 and sometimes I feel like I look exactly the same. I try on my old pants, and they are WAY too big, but when I look in the mirror I really don't see that much of a difference, and like you, it is physically impossible that there isn't a difference. It is simply our minds not yet caught up with our bodies. My method of dealing with this is to just trust fully in what others are saying. People around me wouldn't notice my weight loss if it weren't real, so it must be visible to the rest of the world even if it isn't to me. And I only hope our eyes eventually see what others are seeing now. So believe me when I tell you, your loss is visible and you look much smaller than you did in the first picture, don't give up now because you are well on your way to the body you have been envisioning.
  • Shannon! You are looking so amazing! There is a majorly huge difference there, so huge! Please don't lose heart. I'm looking up to you right now LOL; I so can't wait to have lost 70 lbs like you have. Girl, just look at how far you've come. Rome wasn't built in a day; you didn't gain the weight overnite, and (unfortunately!) it's not gonna come off in a day either. In fact I was looking at your pics early tonight thinking "man, I wish I was like her!!" No joke! Keep going girl, you will get there, I promise. and I also promise I'm gonna need you, probably sooner than later LOL...I have been gaining this week after a loss, and I'm so frustrated. I hope its AF; we'll see. I hope you know we all would be honest with ya if there wasn't a difference, and just cause you don't see a big difference doesn't mean there isn't one; you see you every day, so it's gradual. But for me, who just saw you tonight, I was like "WOW" major difference. Keep your chin up; you're doing fantastically!!!
  • Lots of similarity with my situation and yours (starting weight, current weight, and working out to DVDs) and the funky red hair. Hehe.

    I think you look a lot better then you imagine you do. The difference in the clothing fit is very apparent. You look great!

    Don't get discouraged by the sizes.. there may be a point where you'll drop several within a short amount of time. I started in very tight 26s and seemed like I was in 22/24 forever and then boom 20 and 18 came.

    Part of that progression though is the exercise. It helps get you smaller at a higher weight so I would encourage you to keep trying to find things you like. I also like the DVDs for the variety but if you really can't find a strength one you like there are cardio ones that will really help strength. For example step videos really help with leg strength. So much so that I went from doing those and Turbo Jam mostly to starting to learn to run this week.

    You mentioned Turbo sculpt... If you like the turbo jam (and I hated it at first but LOVE it now) and not the sculpt then try the cardio workouts with weighted gloves. Also make sure your giving enough attempts at something before deciding you don't like it. Give something a few weeks sometimes when the body starts to "get it" is when it becomes kinda fun.
  • The difference is amazing and you look great. Keep doing what you doing because it's clearly working for you. That's the physical part. You might want to see a professional about the way you see yourself because that's the mental part. Congratulation on your weight loss so far, your doing fantastic.
  • I just about wrote your post 2 months ago when I reached 50lb lost. I thought I'd see some dramatic transformation. Although I could see the changes I still saw a 'fat woman' in the mirror.

    Fast forward two months and 14 more pounds, and it seems to me to have made such a difference. I think buying smaller clothes instead of wearing old ones loose has helped. In US sizes I'm buying 18 in trousers and 16s/L in skirts and shirts. So many people are noticing now, I think particularly with the new clothes people can actually see it more.

    So don't get discouraged. I think changes in clothes sizes will come quicker with fewer pounds lost now.

  • I can totally see a HUGE difference in the 2 photos. You look MUCH smaller in the second one. I would never have though you were a 22. And actually looking at the pic I still don't think you are, that shirt looks way big. I think you should go shopping or at least try some things on. I bet you'd be surprised at what size you are now
  • It's okay, the differences will show over time. We have to face the fact that it takes a lot of weight loss for it to be noticeable when we have a lot to lose. I didn't see any change at all for 25 pounds, when my clothes were becoming looser. It took that much weight to drop just one size. It was frustrating.

    However, once those changes start - they come faster.
    Make sure you take your measurements, incremental changes are not always noticeable to the naked eye.

    You are changing, not just scale wise - but health wise. Keep it up, and don't get discouraged.
  • Congratulations!!! You have lost 73lbs! That is fantastic! I know you may not be able to see it, but in the 2nd picture, that shirt is way too big. I agree with those who said to try on some other may be surprised.

    As far as working out goes. Do what you like.

    I joined a gym a couple years ago and I have to say at first I was SO self concious about going. But, I go for me. It's my time to work on my health. I put my favorite music on my mp3 player and do my thing. Now I am considered a 'regular' and people ask me where I have been if they don't see me for a few days. That being said....I still get self conscious when I walk into the free weight room sometimes...usually the only female in there and all of the guys are usually super in shape. I take a couple of deep breaths and turn up my music.

    I recently 'found' the watp dvd's and LOVE them--so I mix them in for some extra cardio. If that's what works for you--do them. Maybe add some hand weights?

    I also read an article about how we think people are looking at us at the gym, when really they are usually focused on what they are doing.

    You can do this!!!!!