Points conversion

  • Is there a points conversion link here?
  • Like a calculator? WW legal dept shuts down everyone they can find, so it's not likely you'll find one. If they do exist, someone should probably PM it to you instead of linking it here
  • I noticed that on their site that it can't even be discussed on the boards. Thanks!
  • I use a free site that has a point calculator. I am scared to just post it b/c I dont want it shut down. this site wont let me PM anyone becuase I don't have 10 posts. Any suggestions
  • Gosh I didn't know that about the pm'ing rule. I'll try pm'ing you and maybe you can relpy! Otherwise hurry up and post a bunch and then pm me!! LOL!
  • hi cindy,
    It won't let me reply to your PM. I am in a hurry so I am going to do the most annoying things and try to make 8 posts right here 1,2,3, etc... I hope this works and I hope it dosent drive everyone crazy. Im new to this site so I would hate to annoy people now.
  • Iowa girl, e-mail me the link at [email protected] and I'll come back and PM here with it.

    Also I have heard but can't confirm if you google POINTS CALCULATOR supposedly there are sites out.
  • Yes, if you google you will receive... he he
  • I would love this website, if someone would send it to me as well.

    Also all of you WW long goers. About 6 yrs ago I was at a WW meeting and the leader gave out a recipe for a pineapple dessert. I belive it had buttermilk, sour cream and SF FF cool whip. Anybody remember this? I am desperately wanting that recipe.
  • Well (just teasing ya) they didn't SF FF Cool Whip 6 years go. They did have FF.

    Are you talking Pineapple Fluff?