Hello kinda newbie here

  • Hello,

    My name is Sarah. I am a 33 mother and student. I used to be on here about a year ago and lost internet for awhile. I missed all the friends and support. I had went from 350 to 260lbs. I have since gained it back plus. I started out this time at 360 and I am at 355 now. I have been diagnosed diabetic and just feeling down. I hope to meet some new friends and learn some new things.
  • Welcome back Sara! I look forward to getting to know you here.
  • Sarah!!! You can do this. This is a great board with supportive people. We definitely understand the struggles of having a lot of weight to lose.
  • Sarah - Welcome back! You've lost a bunch once so you know how to do it! Hopefully the second time will be easier and for good. One thing about being just diagnosed as a diabetic is that you might be able to get your insurance company to pay for some time with a nutritionist. Mine will only pay if it is "medically necessary", which in my way of thinking would cover being 350 pounds but I guess they don't think the same way I do.
  • Welcome back! I hope you find some great support! Feel free to join us in the weekly numbered thread! It moves fast, but is fun!
  • Sarah this is my first hour and I share your frustration with the diabetese monster. (I so spelled that word wrong) Any who if you ever need someone to talk to hit me up I would love to talk. I have tons of info on supplies and where to get some stuff for free. The web is great at times, sites like this and others where they educate and love on one another, I love this place. Sorry too much lemon in my tea it seems. - X
  • Welcome back Sarah!!!! I am sure you will find great motivation here!
  • I am New Too!
    Hi everyone, my name is Jenn and I am new to this too. I really decided to det serious about weight loss when my scale would not weigh me. I would step on it and it would say E...Error!! Man did this KILL me. After a week I am proud to say that it now registers what I weigh and it is 339.
  • Welcome back Sarah! Jenn I feel your pain! My scale was working but it was wrong so when I finally found out how much I really weigh I almost had a heart attack!
  • Hello Sarah, I'm kind of in the same boat. I lost a lot, had a brush with illness, and almost all of it crept back on. So I'm back as well. Hopefully with a better understanding of what I need to do.

    helenandaudreysmama - if there's one piece of advice I'd give anyone who would listen is always have a scale that you can get a reading on. The first time I finally stepped on a scale that would weigh me, I was over 400. This time (using my home scale) I crept up to almost 360 with a scale that topped out at 330.

    Heather - I looked at your pictures (wonderful, gives me hope) and I'm hoping that somewhere along the way I'll pick a more reasonable final weight. Since I've never been the correct weight for my height (even as a child) we'll see...