Travel while on MF?

  • Oh this new Forum section is great! Thanks!!!

    Anyway my DH and I are planning a trip in about two weeks to look for a new place to live. We'll be gone for two or three weeks - flying to NC and renting a car from there, staying in hotels, etc. I'm wondering if any of you have spent much time traveling while doing MF? If so do you have any words of wisdom for me? I'm really nervous about doing this. I've just restarted MF to lose those last 15 pounds after a year of maintaining 50+ gone. I'm thinking I should have waited to restart until we've come back. I don't want to have "wasted" these first weeks of MF food if it's too hard to continue MF while on our trip. Have you taken an extended (weeks long) trip and done MF successfully?

    TIA -- Beth
  • I guess what I'm going to do is bring all cold drinks; shakes, chai tea, etc. That way if our hotel doesn't have a microwave I don't have to worry about what I'll do for food. Since we'll be who knows where and doing who knows what everyday I think this might be the best way to go. I really like the drinks best anyway. If sometimes things get really weird I can aways do 2 L&Gs and 4 supplements. I think this is the best way for me to stay OP and still feel like I can be flexible as we travel.

    Anyone know if I can take my shake packets in my carry-on bag? I assume since it's just a powder it'll be OK with security. I don't have access to myMF website so can't ask this question over there.

  • Hi, Beth:
    Yes, I'd agree that powders are the best way to go. And, they do go through airport security just fine.
    The last few times that I have been flying I have made muffins out of oatmeal using 5 powder packs. I put eggs in as part of the recipe and so I had mini muffins all day and a salad w/o dressing during a lay-over.
    In fact, I have a day of flying to do tomorrow and my muffins are in the fridge waiting...
    Now, think about this: on your way back home you'll have tons of spare room in your suitcase having eaten all your powder! I'm saying, you can do a little shopping and have some luggage space to bring stuff home. Maybe, say, some new smaller clothes or such...umm?!
    Have a great trip and take care of yourself!
  • Thanks, Carol. I'm really excited about this trip but don't want to derail myself since I'm on a roll and doing quiet well. I'd love to come back in loose size 10's!
  • Good luck finding a new home and i hope you enjoy the trip! I am sure that you will do fine! i was thinking about your situation... but don't most hotels have a microwave? If not in the room, at least in the breakfast section or the lobby!!!
    About you not having access to mymedifast website, you can have access to it even if you did not buy the food from them. You just have to send them a email asking for an authorization code and they will send you one That's what they did for me! I hope it helps!

  • Quote: Good luck finding a new home and i hope you enjoy the trip! I am sure that you will do fine! i was thinking about your situation... but don't most hotels have a microwave? If not in the room, at least in the breakfast section or the lobby!!!
    About you not having access to mymedifast website, you can have access to it even if you did not buy the food from them. You just have to send them a email asking for an authorization code and they will send you one That's what they did for me! I hope it helps!

    Thanks Florence! We just got back from 7 weeks in the Pacific Northwest. We were thinking that would be a good place for us to live. Didn't turn out to be so, unfortunately. Most of our hotels/motels didn't have microwaves in the room. We try to stay in mostly mom and pop motels when we travel (as long as they're clean!) because they tend to be more charming and it's fun to meet the locals.

    As far as the myMF website goes, I used to have access and a screen name there when I was on MF in 2006. I've always purchased my food through them. However for some reason this time around they don't seem to be able to get my account to work. Support and I went round and round trying to get my access to work and I finally gave up on them. It's really not that big a deal to me. In the meantime I'd found 3FCs and don't really miss the myMF site. All it means is that occasionally I give out the wrong info to someone, like thinking you could have 1 and 1/2 cups of raw greens when really it's 1 cup. Oh well
