
  • Okay, so I've been doing the Leslie Sansone walking program (still working my way to 2 miles), but I'm wondering... do I need to add other things? I'm doing it 4 - 5 times a week. For those of you who haven't used it, it's a mile in 17 mins with light weights. Any thoughts?
  • Hi Ready4AChange!
    I've done that same program myself! I used it at the beginning of my weightloss journey. Right now, looking at your ticker, I'd say just keep on walkin! Maybe in the future when you're at the 2mile workout add some abdominal crunches and as you get stronger maybe switch to heavier weights or ankle weights. You want to ease into it and not kill yourself.
  • I think eventually you will want to add to your exercise repertoire. Think about other forms of cardio that might appeal to you -- especially outside when the weather gets nicer. But you may find someday you're ready for more intensity -- maybe try an elliptical if you have access?

    And then there's weight training (which can help in so many ways), and yoga and classes at a gym...

    I like having some variety, cause I get bored after awhile. Plus, different kinds of exercise work your body differently and serve different functions. Strength training adds strength and can help rev your metabolism, yoga is soothing and stretches muscles...
  • Mall walking has been a staple of mine for a long time. I enjoy it,
    don't seem to get bored, feel safe, and have rest rooms close by.
    I also walk up and down a flight of steps to the second floor in the
    mall as many times as I can make myself. I do some stretching and
    use some small weights. At sixty one I feel this is the best I can do.
    I am now going to start a food program to take off some weight.
  • I started small and added in other activities as I went along. I still use WATP 3 times a week during the winter. I added aerobic dance dvds, pilates, yoga, resistance bands, and weight training.

    I'm thinking of adding an exercise ball next. The variety keeps me going in two ways: 1) I don't get bored because I'm always doing something different. 2) I allow myself the luxury of choosing WHAT I am doing each day - not IF I am doing each day. In this way, I stay motivated and enjoy my workouts so much more.
  • I wanted to chime in on something-with Leslie Sansone system of walking workouts, it is a cardio workout with light muscle toning.

    The Walk Away Weights that are used with the program are just about 2 pounds each. If you need to advance this workout-I would only take the weights up to 3 pounds MAX. If you need to advance at some point in time, then get one of her harder dvds-she has 1 mile, 2 mile, 3 mile, 4 mile, and even a 5 mile one. Advance THIS way-rather than adding more weight, or adding ankle weights.

    This is important, because ankle weights are not meant for use with aerobic activity at all. They should never be worn for aerobic walking, step aerobics, dancing, jogging, etc. They are meant for strength training/toning exercises only.
    Heavier dumbells are also meant to be used while in propure positioning for strength training exercises-not during aerobic activity. To do so can cause injury.