3fc 2008 Goals!

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  • Originally, I was going to make a thread for my W.O.W girls but decided to make one for all cause I wanna see what ya'll have planned for 2008. Some people make resolutions, some hate them but EVERYONE has GOALS! You can add on as they come to mind (I know I probably will).

    My 2008 Goals:

    * Learn to love myself.
    * Take better care of myself and improve mentally, physically, and emotionally.
    * Get at least 75% out of debt.
    * Save money.
    * Get back in school.
    * Try at least twelve (12) new things.
    * Smile everyday.
    * Be a doer, not a wisher.
  • JL those are great goals. Mine are similar, hope you don't mind.

    * Take care of me as well as my husband and kids and make sure they know, everyday, how lucky I am to have them and how much I love them.
    * Stick to my weight loss and exercise plan at least 6 days per week, by my 42nd birthday in June I will be at 120 if I can lose just over 5# per month. I made myself a promise last year that this is my last time to lose this weight, I am getting where I can by my birthday and I plan to learn to love myself, even if I get stuck at 140.
    * Shrink from every double digit size I own, then donate them.
    * Pay off my smaller credit card
    * Takes classes for work, I cannot advance without a degree
    * Finish the Couch to 5k, I want to run a sub 30 minute 5k
    * Run the Distance Festival 10 mile race 4th of July weekend
  • For 2008 my goals are the same and yet a bit more than just for January lol.

    I should be at my goal of 120 by my birthday Nov 9th. That will be great. Will decide then if I need to lose more weight or not. Might just need to tone up who knows. I want to be able to do all of my 3 mile walking/aerobic videos. I also want to be able to do 3 sets of the resistance exercises that I do and be able to breath at the same time lol.

    I am almost there is just going to take a bit more work and then I can do them and breath at the same time lol.
  • yea! I have some goals I'd like to share...

    *Finally put me first! My health, my needs... I need to focus more on me. Part of that includes keeping food and exercise journals.

    *Start building the yoga practice that will be the foundation of my teacher training, hopefully to start in september.

    *Eat right and exercise to feel better and have more energy, not only to lose weight. I've had a lot of aches and pains recently, and I know it's weight related.

  • Ladies these are all great goals

    Here's mine for 08:

    Get healthier this year. I want babies soon, and I wanna give them a fighting chance.

    Meet my goal weight of 150 lbs. Maybe less, but I'm just shooting for the goal weight right now. I'd like to be in the 170's by March. I'd really like to look halfway respectable in a swimsuit this summer. Not like we've got vacation plans but still.

    Be better toned in 08. Goes along with the weight loss.

    Complete the C25K this year. Maybe run a marathon at Thanksgiving.

    Complete my weekly school work earlier in the week so I can spend my weekends for myself and my DH. It's hard writing paper after paper every weekend. If I can get it done earlier in the week I feel more accomplished.

    Make A's in my classes. As much as I'm paying to go to this online private school, I need to make the most of it. I want to make sure I have A's in all my classes. I like the nice GPA

    Be a better dancer.

    Be much more organized with food and work and school. If I can organize and plan my meals and prepare everything the night before, I can get onto the treadmill in the morning before work. If I can do that, I can get ready faster, eat breakfast, and be out the door. The sooner I can get into work, the sooner I can get home, and get that extra half hour of relaxation time. I feel like I can accomplish more when I'm home that extra half hour earlier. That will definitely help when it comes to early completion of schoolwork.

    Proctrastinate less.

    I'm sure I'll think of others later on. But that's what I want to do for now.
  • OK, I'll chip in with mine...

    * lose a bit more weight - 5 for sure, maybe 10, we'll see how I look after 5
    * continue in my bid to put binge eating behind me for once and for all - it is so much better than it used to be, but still occasionally rears its ugly head
    * visit my grandmothers (in nursing homes) more regularly
    * continue cook more "whole food", stay away from processed/frozen stuff. I don't get the really fatty prepared stuff, but even the "healthy" frozen chicken souvlaki (and its ilk) is full of sodium, and it's so easy to pick it up for convenience.
    * de-clutter my house (continue the campaign already in progress)
  • I hear you on the cooking Janie.....I need to do more of it. I figure with that extra bit of time I can actually feel better and want to cook more..
  • *My 2008 Goals*

    Hit my goal weight (150) and then some maybe.

    Spend more time on my scrapbooking....lame huh.

    Start running again once the snow and ice melts. I really enjoyed it actually and felt AWESOME when I was done with a good run.

    Do my work out videos at least 3 days a week.

    Feel confident in a swimsuit and take the girls to the pool more because of it.

    Manage my money better. WAY better.

    Take more time out each week for my hubby and I. Our relationship is much better when we do things alone every now and then. Even if we don't have money we can find something to do just the 2 of us.

    These are the only ones I've been thinking about so far.
  • My goals are:
    Most my goals are weight loss related because that is honestly what I do.
    -Reach my goal by Jan 1, 2009(that'd be 1.5 a week).
    -Exercise 6/7 days a week
    -Begin bellydance classes
    -Learn to love myself more
    -Tweak my eating habits to be the best they can be nutritionally
    -Complete the C25k
    -Do a better time walking(or maybe running?) the Reindeer Ramble 5 K walk/run(54.40)
    -Be more organized
    -Be more of a neat freak compared to clutter freak
    -Complete more Anticraft patterns
  • My goals for 2008 are to lose weight (169.9lbs), make As in all my classes when I get back to school.
  • Plan ways to get rid of this weight!
    In 2008, I am making a plans,
    BEGIN: 400 minutes a month workout for January.
    LOSS: 5 lbs a month (jan, feb, march, april, may) Then I will be 'overweight' by my birthday, JUNE 1st. (counting calories)
    COOK: Cooking healthy dinners at home, oatmeal for breakfast, and eating salads once a day (shopping on sundays for good foods)

    .....OH YEAH and study my butt off to get my broker's licence
  • 2008 goals

    1. Get down to 150 pounds, no more excuses or quitting! Hopefully by June/July

    2. Work on being greatful for what I have and not focusing on what I don't have.

    3. Loving on my kids more, fighting less and enjoying the moment before they're gone all day long at school.

    4. Strength training 3 times a week, running or walking on an incline 4 times a week.

    5. Getting organized in all aspects of my life.
  • Mine...

    ...work on being healthy/exercise/lose weight
    ...get organized
    ...live every day to the fullest
  • My Goals:

    -Pay off atleast one of my credit cards
    -Go to cliniclas and not chicken out like you did this semester
    -Be more active
    -Eat right, less junk
    -Waste less money, work on getting out of debt
  • I'll share too.

    1. Be running 5k by July.
    2. Enroll in school as soon as residency is established.
    3. Get into the dating game... seriously its been too long!
    4. Save enough moolah for a holiday in Scotland.
    5. Have a "tight jeans" worthy backside

    2008 is going to be the best year ever. I just know it!