30 Somethings Chat 12/19

  • Hello all,

    How rare is it that I get the oppertunity to start the thread. I have a few minutes before heading of to oz (work).

    Alicia, No I know how to say the word no. I do it quite well actually, I just have bills that I am looking at. My manager was dropping quickly and so I stayed in her place.

    In some respects, I will be soo glad when Christmas is over, and yet it doesn't even feel like the season has started (except for the 6 - 8 inches of snow).

    Well I must finish getting ready and head off to work. After all, its time to make the doughnuts.

  • Hi everyone!! I'm starting off my BUSY day with leftover spaghetti! Made with venison (deer meat) and whole wheat noodles (I almost spelled needles!!) I know, I know....not exactly a breakfast of choice, but I was hungry for it! Deer meat is actually really lean...only one point per oz. The noodles are high in fiber. I'm hoping it will have some sticking power. I feel like I could eat my weight in it....I'm soooo hungry this morning for some reason. Believe me, that'd be a WHOLE LOT of spaghetti!!

    We're expecting 70 degrees today outside, with showers tonight and 70 again tomorrow. Ah, good ole Louisiana Decembers!! I don't ever remember seeing a white Christmas in my 34 Christmases in this world. Maybe one year we'll go to Colorado for Christmas.....that'd be nice!!! All you lucky folks that'll have a white Christmas, enjoy it for me, okay??

    Well, I have vowed not to go back into the stores after Friday and I have to work all day Thursday and Friday, so that leaves today to do everything I still need to do to prepare. And here I sit. Guess I better get at it. Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
  • hey all...well i had a great workout this morning (not working today). Did a hard workout at the gym, trying to make up for last weeks bad eating LOL. Then i came home and cleaned the bathrooms. DH and i are going to run some errands after lunch and then work on putting up some christmas decorations and cleaning the house. My parents are coming here friday. Can't wait to see them.
    Lisa- i know what you mean about working extra days. My company still has an extra day pay incentive for next month, so i signed up for 2 days. What the heck $900 (before taxes) is definately a nice extra help with christmas and the personal training i signed up for.
    gaining- personally who cares what you have for breakfast. there is no set fast rule on what to have. It sounds wise to me..you have protien (very important to help keeping full) and fiber...there you go..now i would recommend in about 2 hrs from breakfast, have a snack, like fruit with some low fat cheese, or handful of almonds...then have lunch...then have another snack mid day then dinner. You would be amazed at how much you increase your metabolism when you eat more frequently. You are also usually less likely to "pig out". Keep up the good work.

    alright all..i'm off to eat some grub. bye all
  • Hey All,

    Geez, I feel like I've been up forever. Oh wait, I have! DH got up before his alarm this AM and forgot to turn it off. So at 5 AM I had to jump over DS #2 and figit with the clock radio to find the shut off. Nothing like rock and roll blaring in your ear. > I decided to just stay up and make coffee.

    I think I need a nap...I'm too tired to go have lunch.

    By the way...It's RR's DD's Bday today!

  • good morning!

    Diana it sounds like a great breakfast, well balanced. Like GG said there is no rule on what if for breakfast, sounds like you are on the right track, are you exercising? good luck w/all the shopping, do you still have a lot to buy?

    Alicia my in laws are 82 and 81.

    GG what a great way to start your day, I miss the days of going to the gym, a lot!!! the $900 sound pretty good! good for you. Enjoy the day off!

    Lisa I am sorry it is so chaotic at work. But like you said having bills to pay it is great to have the extra hours.

    How do you guys keep your homes warm when the temperatures get so low? just curious. DH likes me to keep the heater on between 69 and 71, some days I have to crank it up a little more when the temperature is around 42 for sure 71. Last night we turn it down to 67 before we went to bed and it turn on several times during the night.

    Last night I got a call from my cleaning lady, she is going back to Peru, so I will not have a cleaning lady for a while. It sux, I have a hard time letting people come in the house and leave them by themselves when I have to run out, so for now I am not going to have anyone cleaning. I just order the book "how clean is your house?" I watch the show on the BBC network. I am looking forward to learn how to clean w/out chemicals. Wish me luck!
    I wanted to stay in bed a little longer today but the little dudes wanted me to get out of bed, the funny thing is they didn't want to go outside cause it is sprinkling, but they had to go anyway.I am glad I didn't go to Disneyland today, it is suppose to rain there today, I am not glad I am home sick, I don't know what it is, but I can't keep anything in my stomach, as soon as I eat I have to run to the bathroom, sorry TMI, I am happy I am not throwing up, there is nothing worst!
    I am going to be around today all day!
  • Hey Lauren we were posting at the same time. who is Kyle and RR is it RoadRunner? how is she doing? haven't seen her for a while.
  • Well ladies, the spaghetti worked at keeping me from getting hungry. It's 1 pm and I haven't gotten hungry yet. Maybe I ate too much?? LOL First I underdo, then overdo?? Anyway, I have a GREAT accomplishment to share. My 9 yr old son brought home a note yesterday asking me to bring cookies and cupcakes for his Christmas party tomorrow at school. I'll be buying the cupcakes (I'm no good at baking them!!), but I had the cookie dough here, sooooooo....I just baked cookies for a class of 20 kids (2+ cookies/child) and I DID NOT eat a single bite!!! Thank God for spaghetti for breakfast!!!!!!!!! For me, this is quite an accomplishment. And the thing is, no one is here except me so I could've easily cheated and been accountable to no one but ME! I'm my toughest critic, though........I can get pretty ugly with myself sometimes!

    Anyway, Hanna I do go exercise at curves 3x per week (this is only my second week). I'm supposed to get 2 extra points (WW) on the days I exercise. Maybe I should've eaten a cookie afterall!! LOL I don't have much shopping left to do....Daughter was tired today, so I'm going to do it this evening after I go workout. Mostly just have to buy the food I'll be prepping.

    Does anyone else feel every year like they don't buy enough for their kids on Christmas? I'm always afraid my kids will be disappointed. I know, I know...that's truly not what it's all about. But I remember, as long ago as it's been, how it feels to be disappointed at Christmas because a sibling or someone else got more than I did. It's human nature for a kid to notice....doesn't make them bad, make them a normal kid. My son has never acted disappointed, really. Although year before last after he opened all his gifts, he said, "Well, I didn't get the _____ that I wanted." (I don't remember what it was) But he was happy with what he did get. I guess I let my kids put too much pressure on me. They're having a good Christmas....that's all that's important, I guess.

    Going to do more CLEANING! ugh
  • Diana great job w/ the cookies, all thought I don't think I cookie would hurt you. As far as the holidays go, I don't know what to say, I have mixed feelings about what kids get or don't. Kids want so many things this days it is crazy, and then they want what their peers have or want too. We as parents want to give them everything, but I guess you have to go w/what you can afford or what you want to spend in addition to what is age appropriate.
    just a thought!

    I am not feeling well at all, I am getting all this cramps, but I can't stay still, I don't know why. i tried to sit down and knit but that was just to relaxing, LOL. So I came upstairs to mess around in the office and organize, LOL (impossible task when you share the office w/DH!!!) I found a Billy's Boot Camp DVD AB boot camp, if anyone wants it let me know. I will be happy to just give it to you! I can't do his workouts.
    Off I go to do more organizing!

  • Hanna, Kaylee is RR's daughter, and RR is Roadrunner/Vicki! She's around, just busy!
  • RR, if you read this, happy birthday to K!!!

    Gaining, I had to laugh when you said you had spagetti for breakfast. I personally don't like venison, but hey ~ it doesn't matter what I like ~ it's going into you.

    Hanna, maybe you did too much again. Take it easy tomorrow too.

    GG, hey there. Is hubby done with his classes, or is he on winter break?

    Lauren, hows it going? Did you get your nap?

  • HI everyone!

    GG how was your day off? did you decorate the house?

    Lisa I don't think I did a lot today, just sat in the office and organized paper piles, nothing excessive, everyone around here has either had the flu or is getting it. I wish I could stay home tomorrow all day again, but I have to go pick Sean up from school and go to therapy. I will do nothing before that though.

    Sean is going to eat left overs tonight, I am probably going to just have chicken soup, DH is working late. I am going to go to bed early

  • Hanna, take it easy. Soup and bed sounds good!
  • Hanna, hope you feel better, it is awful to have to keep running to the bathroom. You asked about heating homes in colder areas. Before I moved, we lived in house that didn't have good heating or insulation, we had to use a keroscene heater in addition to the electric baseboard heat. I was very scared of it but didn't want to freeze either.

    Diana, I have a 9 year old son also. I am really stumped as to what to get him. Any suggestions? I've gotten a few things, he's obsessed with wrestling stuff right now.

    GG, that sure is good $$. Does your company not offer such incentives all the time?

    Lisa, I was at the mall and saw a store that was having "senior wed" I thought of you....actually the stores weren't to bad today.

    Just curious what you all have for Christmas Dinner? Anyone make Ham? If so, what kind? I've never made one before. I was thinking about it but wouldn't have a clue as to which kind to buy.
  • hey all..had a pretty good day. Dh and i ran a bunch of errands. Then we decorated the house for Christmas. Nothing too crazy, but we found a great artifical tree at lowe's for 50% off...so what the heck...we decorated it and put up some other decor. We also cleaned the downstairs tonight in prep for the family coming. tomorrow night we'll tackle the upstairs.
    Lisa- dh is on winter break and doing a bunch of stuff around the house while on break.
    lois- no usually our extra day pay is $200 plus your production. But we are still very short dr here inthe Atlanta area...and next month there's alot of our dr's going to the annual symposium that Banfiled has...so then we'll be even more short. I think Jan was the last month they were doing it...but i'm definately taking advantage of it. It will mean i won't get a full weekend off next month..but that's ok. I actually will be gone for one week in Jan at a conference...so it will sort of be like vacation...i'll be in lecutres all day...but won't have to deal with irritated clients and silly staff issues.

    hannah-hope you feel better soonn.

    Alright all...tired..heading to bed