Here goes nothing...

  • Good morning all. Today is day one and I am ready. I'm going to post at night so that I get the accountability I need. Maybe a food log, and feelings about the journey so far. Can anyone tell me where I should post that? I wish everyone the very best of luck! Here we go!

  • First, you need to change the title of this thread! Start with a POSITIVE attitude- you can do this, and you need to tell yourself that everyday

    Take some time and browse around the site. There are so many different forums here, I'm sure you'll find a place where you feel comfortable. We have age based groups, particular diet based groups, faith based groups, activity based groups...well, you get the picture. Lots of different places to start!

    Or there is the general Weight Loss Support forum where a lot of people congregate.

    If you want to be a bit more private and introspective, we have weight loss blogs where YOU control the content.


  • Hi Andrealynn!

    I'm also new as of tonight. It's nice to meet you!

    Best wishes,